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Scout  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Georgia CoinZdfh

Posted: | Last Online:

im Bery, this guy here – https://etf2l.org/forum/user/63351/ , i just exchanged the account of steam with friend but ETF2L admins didnt change the SteamID for my old etf2l account. so im starting here. i wanna play scout, need training, coz didnt played for some month on "real" 6v6. want div3, not lower. thanks. add me on Coinz.dfh account, "BeryFPS" is steamid64

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:74679829 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Georgia [National Highlander Team] Bery
Left TFH [6v6] CoinZdfh
Joined TFH [6v6] CoinZdfh
Left FTFG [6v6 Fun Team] CoinZdfh
Joined FTFG [6v6 Fun Team] CoinZdfh

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  1. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    cool guy and awesome player.

  2. JustThatLuka said:

    Div 1 Scout.Ultra Pro

  3. Creepy said:

    pretty good scout , lovely guy .. give him a shot , u won’t sorry ;)

  4. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    how many logs of yours do i have to go through before finding one with positive k/d? they’re all like 19-33 and stuff

    are no georgians capable of accurately rating themselves?

  5. Blinky said:

    fraac@ u cant say like that honestly, he didnt play tf2 competitively other than lobbys last time.

    Bery is really good scout with really good personality.

  6. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:


    and you have nice logs aswell

    14/18 , 13/18 , 16/23 , 9/11 , 15/24 and more


  7. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    it’s the ‘won’t play below this division’ attitude that bothers me. earn it, i say

  8. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    admins will change your steamid if you ask, btw. otherwise you need to ask them to blacklist the other account

  9. CoinZdfh said:

    u can start seeing my logs from here
    Jan 28 2014 2:09 PM
    log is called gay bar – Auto-Upload – snorri vs galja and before that is competitive div2 logs :)

  10. CoinZdfh said:

    oops, not there. here
    from something like Dec 23 2013 12:41 PM

  11. CoinZdfh said:

    thats the time when i was playing actively :)

  12. Creepy said:

    Fraac i dunno actually why u hate Georgians so much , but when you start speaking about Georgians first look at your Logs and your skill :) Btw Why u pleadingly requested to play with you official in fucking D5 ? :(

  13. CoinZdfh said:

    bumping like a boss

  14. CoinZdfh said:


  15. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    decent lad and insane aim , good luck

  16. CoinZdfh said:


  17. CoinZdfh said:
