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HeavyMedicSniper  Div 1 Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates Da Nexus Force

Posted by Space365: | Last Online:

We are a Highlander team from Va looking for a sniper,heavy, and medic.

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  1. IcedKappa: NewMail said:

    I’ve got 1150+ hours of TF2, and some experience with medic. I watch a lot of highlander too, so I understand the medic’s role well. Not sure if I have enough experience, but hey, why not try me out? Send me a friend request if you want to talk a bit.

  2. GreenEyedStranger: TRNC said:

    Hi there! I have 600+ hours in TF2

    I love to play medic and heal around the team!

    First time playing highlander!

    If not Medic, Heavy would be another great fit.

    I also play a great Pyro if you’re interested

  3. Morgz: [TBB] said:

    I have 1400 hours in TF2 and play a mean sniper. add me and I can show you what I’ve got.

  4. DoomWhale said:

    Hi. I have 2800+ hours in TF2. I can play a good sniper but I main medic. Send me a friend Request and we can talk. This is my first time playing Highlander.

  5. Pyromanic said:

    every day i spend at least 3 hours on snipezilla servers and pretty much only play as sniper and can play him pretty good

  6. Sheriff Donut said:

    Hey I’ve got 1000hours in tf2 and play a great heavy. Message me if interested.

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