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Scout  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

France Kyb

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Search in Scout D3.

Add me on steam for more info.


#Taylor Swift

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:63485116 Add Friend

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Joined Nightmare [6v6] Xaah_
Left Salty Frogs [6v6] Izzy57
Joined Salty Frogs [6v6] Kyb
Left Imaginary Gaming [6v6] Kyb
Joined Imaginary Gaming [6v6] Kyb
Left Fantasm Gaming [6v6] Kyb
Joined Fantasm Gaming [6v6] Kyb
Left Search And Destroy Initial Killers [6v6] Kyb
Joined Search And Destroy Initial Killers [6v6] Kyb

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  1. Hidan said:

    good and funny, take him

  2. loopster said:

    good scout with a nice brain, he have good call too and he is a really good mate.

  3. SextiS said:


  4. Izzy57 said:

    Perfecto scouto for a rape !

  5. Lantak said:

    Great scout. Can use the baguette’s tactic very well.

  6. loopster said:

    go test him, he can easily handle the d3, have a very good call and good aim, he just need a chance to prove it. So gogogogo !!!!