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DemomanMedicScoutSniper  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates French Brackets Competitive(9)

Posted by Goldendragon56: | Last Online:

We are looking for a scout, demo,medic, and sniper for our team. The Scout and Medic will also be in our 6s team.

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  1. GI Jew A Real Americ said:

    I can demo

  2. DuVallx: F.A.F said:

    Hello there! I am looking to be your medic.

  3. its fine: Ye said:

    hey there I can play scout for you

  4. IcedKappa: NewMail said:

    I’ve been practicing hella medic recently. I have decent knowledge of the 9v9 meta, and 1150+ hours of TF2, total. Also, I play one hell of a scout. It’s my most played class, approaching about 300 hours (I don’t know the exact time, I reset my stats a few months ago). If you still need a scout/medic by the time you read this, please consider me.

  5. TechSam: [Bx2] said:

    If you need a scout, I will play for your team

  6. Gear: (TAoGS) said:

    Im a really good medic and can heal really good i have been playing tf2 for a long time. classese i can do is medic, and scout really good.

  7. Morgz: [TBB] said:

    I have 1400 hours and can play a decent sniper. Add me and I can show it off.

  8. CJ: [TBB] said:

    I have 4000+ Hours and I play a very very awesome scout. Add me to start a trial and i’ll show ya my dodging ways of being a scout.

  9. Princess Luna: TC said:

    i have about 90 hours as sniper. 840+ on tf2 overall and i watch pro games

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