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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

TrinidadTobago Saigns.de

Posted by akachu: | Last Online:


Im looking for players so i made this post no fucking shit.


Since im looking to win div 6 because fuck scrubs or go div 5 you need to not suck yes.
Im just gonna put some shit down for every class im not good at being formal

Agro scout:
You're mainly gonna be the ofclasser and the one that flanks so its good if you can snipe or are good at spy or something, keeping agressive in mind i dont want you overextending or randomly dieing which will cause us rounds i prefer holding the flanks than you flanking them.
play it safe. Since u will be more agressive the dm to fight soldiers will be neccesary

Passive scout:
Ur the one that takes care of Mr demo on mids or whenever hes alone (can also be the other scouts job if you're down or if its needed) u are also gonna be the point capper while the other scout goes forward and does crazy shit

It is gonna be dependent on the agro scout or roamer for the ofclasses.
If u can snipe its awesome after all ur the pick class.
Know when to bomb in and dont bomb in mindlessly just throwing your life away because youll be fucking us hard.

Pocket:Take heals shoot scouts/idiots roamers

Demoman: Solid rollouts. Good damage/Damage calls and what to focus etc.
U will get almost as much heals as i (pocket) will.
If you can handle kritzkriegs you get bonuspoints.

Medic: It would be absolutely amazing if you would
-Track ubers
-Maincall > i can excuse weaker or inexperienced maincalling because its a low div.
-Don't be a helpless non dodging child, Medics arent that useless
-Know when u can sneak in a ubersaw hit
-I can excuse dropping ubers because its normal i won't go apeshit over it.

Post below what spot and shit you want. and maybe a reason why.
i will contact you don't add me.

-Be fun
-Have 1 season experience. just to filter noobs (I don't have a season experience but i did so much lobbies/pugs/mixes that i excuse myself haha)

goodbye niggers

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  1. sharno said:

    Want to get into the Medic position. Always liked played as Medic in public games and got mostly high scores (mostly first 3 positions) in the team and getting my team to win. I know most of the basic/intermediate tips of how to play medic and pushing enemy camps.
    Want to get my skills to competitive play.


  2. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    but you can’t !premium in comp guys x)

  3. Toasty toaster #roas said:

    we can

  4. Flying Cookie: BANTS said:

    Hi, I want to be the MeeM too. I have 52 hours as a MeeM, 25 assists, 8 invuls etc…
    I can be a very offensive MeeM so… Pick one of us.

  5. mithrandir said:

    Hi,I’m The Doctor,Just the Doctor,i am 17 years old,i have 2065 hours in tf2,I want demoman,I have with demoman 371.4 hours,I know rollouts,add me on steam if you wish.P.S.I’ve played in UGC HL Euro Steel

  6. Sorsa: mooz said:

    That English killed my brain 10 times.

  7. Toasty toaster #roas said:

    i had to type !premium but my trial was expired so im death now

  8. NameLessHenchman said:

    I like your style trini.. you have my wrench

  9. Retro said:

    i am a very good soldier,contact me

  10. HartzFartz: (ETF2L Donator) - 0fo - 0FO said:

    if I join can I get free premium on server? I need skillenhancement

  11. nevier: (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    saigns and nighteam. worst servers in the tf2 world. please gtfo!