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Demoman  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Poland home

Posted: | Last Online:


I'm young and pretty so give me a good home (lel that meme im home).

Im bad and im not talking alot but i sometimes have dem good days and can pick shit

k ready to play demoman 8)


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:101505867 Add Friend

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  1. Taylor Swift said:

    Are you THE Home?

  2. home said:

    The one and only :-)

  3. Baernt said:

    very bad

  4. Baernt said:

    deserves nothing

  5. home said:

    tenks mate

  6. roban: :-) said:

    noob trader kurwa )

  7. Burn: xodijkrgoi said:

    Best trader +rep, knows tf2. kurwa. ()

  8. moursi: (Big Poppa) - bobs said:

    Deserves a home. GET IT??????!?!?2/.1/2.1/


  9. home said:

    kek of the year moursi mentaly retarded ( afaagasghsdhbdfn

  10. deth said:

    pierdole demoman plays well
    get him

  11. counter4561: ITIFY - JaR said:

    go, home!

  12. gielewiel9: 124 said:

    back in the days he was like a pr0 pl4y3r, so I guess h3 w1ll st1ll b3

  13. nox said:

    cool guy, take him :)

  14. home said:

    No longer looking for a team as demoman thx volvo

  15. home said:

    bemp gib home unrip demo 8-)

  16. home said:

    bump. demo is back to his best days so im willing to play demoman again :>