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PyroSpy  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, Highlander

England Gregoravich

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, I'm looking to commit to climbing divs in a main spot as wither spy or pyro with a nice team to stick with, as either spy or pyro div 4 or 5 or in ugc/ wireplay. i skipped last season for exams and played pyro on and off for the div 5 team Hobps before that. Before that i played and subbed for Orange is a verb as spy, they came third in steel. I can also provide a passworded mumble channel for the team.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:104350802 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Vacuum Cleaner Racing Pilots [Highlander] foungi
Left Hakuna Matata [Highlander] Gregoravich
Joined Hakuna Matata [Highlander] sinr
Joined my dad > your dad [6v6] gemm
Left Devilz [Highlander] jaegeR
Joined Devilz [Highlander] jaegeR
Left Imperial Dragons eSports [Highlander] Gregoravich
Left my dad > your dad [6v6] Gregoravich
Joined my dad > your dad [6v6] gemm
Left A Tribe Called Kek [6v6] Gregoravich
Joined Imperial Dragons eSports [Highlander] DINDU
Left Chaos [Highlander] Gregoravich
Joined Chaos [Highlander] nole
Left Team Rocket [Highlander] Gregoravich
Joined Hidden Bulge [1v1] Gregoravich
Joined Flaming Cheeseball [2v2] Gregoravich
Joined A Tribe Called Kek [6v6] Jammy
Joined Team Rocket [Highlander] Gregoravich
Left Tea-Mates [Highlander] Gregoravich
Joined Tea-Mates [Highlander] Tails8521
Left soon to be highlander winners [Highlander] Gregoravich
Joined soon to be highlander winners [Highlander] stacked
Left Hobps esports sponsored by MUSCLY RUSSIA [Highlander] Gregoravich
Joined Hobps esports sponsored by MUSCLY RUSSIA [Highlander] $neaky

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 34 934
View High 0 192
View High 13 537
View High 50 1327
View Div 3/Div 4 21 974
View Div 4/Div 5 22 745
View Div 4/Div 5 8 614


  1. $neaky: (ETF2L Donator) - A51 - hp said:

    really good pyro and just as good at spy (Funny too).

  2. Jaakarhu said:

    really nice guy with awesome spy gamesnese and pics. cant rly say nothing about his pyro skills since last time i saw him play he was d6/d5 (was long time ago lel) he calls things and isnt any ragey. but has a mild autsim and is usually fapping so she needs a home and people to take care of her. also likes to cuddle with medics <3

    hope you find a team mate, best of luck to you!

  3. S@GA: MERKEL - op_sqd said:

    Love his voice ;)
    Also great spy, no idea about pyro tho :>

  4. Teatime: AEUGH - beans said:

    Haven’t seen him play pyro much, but from what I’ve seen he seemed good, a little more on the aggressive side I think.
    Really good spy, definitely div 4 and worth a pickup

  5. konr said:

    Puts his birthday in his name 4 days before it

  6. Gregoravich: DADFITES - VaC said:
