ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicScoutSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

International 'Avin a Larf

Posted by Hiatus: | Last Online:

We're is a British-based team that will compete in Season 19, and recruiting/holding trials over the summer.
Generally aiming to improve gamesense, share a bit of banter and at the same time enjoy ourselves.

For those reasons, we're looking for players who:

– Are over 16 and in the UK
– Speak fluent English (really couldn't emphasise this more)
– Interested in learning to play on a well organised team and have fun
– Available throughout most of the summer and obviously for S19
– Mumble installed and all the rest of it

Currently looking for (updated 01/05):

– Roamer (main spot, possibly)
– Medic (sub spot)
– Other subs

Add me for further details. http://steamcommunity.com/id/hiatusofficial

Edit 01/06: We have quite a few people who are trialling, so unless you're from the UK and with relevant experience please don't add me, thanks.

Edit 03/06: Seriously, if you're not from the UK at this point, don't add me. Thanks.


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  1. antares: /// said:

    Would you consider taking in people are not brits ?

    I would be up for Demo. Around 3500hrs TF2 and 500 on Demo.

  2. Hiatus said:

    Hi antares,

    I would consider it, yes – but it depends on your grasp of English. The reason why we’re English based is to make it easier to communicate, and everyone being in the same time zone as well.

    At the moment we have someone who is likely to be the main demo, so if you are still interested in being a sub then of course, I’ll definitely think about it. Add me if you’d like to discuss it further, and if not then I wish you the best of luck.


  3. antares: /// said:

    I guess I could sub for a while but I kinda was looking for a Demo main spot.

  4. Gunslinger744 said:

    Posting interest for Pocket/Roamer, mostly Pocket as my rollouts are incredibly rusty. I’m not from the UK, however I speak english like it’s my first language and have been mistaken for being American numerous times. Timezone is GMT +1, I hope you’ll consider trying me out.

  5. fishyard: ︻芫═一☺ said:

    Added you for a tryout. I am from Norway, but I speak English fluently and my timezone is only GMT +1.