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Sniper  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom stacked

Posted: | Last Online:

pick me up plz spy or sniper div 5/4
sum of u skrebs may know me as Sam

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:153618800 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined GODL MEDEL!! [Highlander] crazycalumrock
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Joined A Tribe Called Kek [6v6] Jammy
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Joined Wales [National Highlander Team] $neaky
Joined Black Death Squad Maniacs [6v6] Toodles
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Left Hobps esports sponsored by MUSCLY RUSSIA [Highlander] $neaky
Joined Hobps esports sponsored by MUSCLY RUSSIA [Highlander] $neaky

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  1. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    kicked us from server because we won the first map 8)

    complained about div 1 snooper, sniper had never played comp 8)

    he is a good sniper but that is pretty funny, he unfriended me 8)

  2. $neaky: (ETF2L Donator) - A51 - hp said:

    Sabersoo considering you played with 4 higher div mercs that game when you claim to be div 6 is rather harsh don’t ya think?

    Anyways a good sniper will carry div 4/5/6.

  3. AMPER said:

    excellent sniper and spy, can play well for any class)

  4. Amarinder Ruprai: lizard said:

    good sniper
    easily play these divs
    would be nice if he called more
    other than that cant fault him

  5. stacked said:


  6. sinr: L2:7 said:

    terrible, terrible personality

  7. PdH said:

    ^HAHAHA that from klaudia the most annoying person on etf2l

  8. sinr: L2:7 said:

    “Grammar Matters”, that’s an english workbook for 5th graders. You might wanna dig into that.
    Recruitment posts 101 – this is about Sam. I could be coming straight from saigns dustbowl server and tell Talisman that he’s not div1. Wanna know why? Because it matters shit how good I am, how my personality is, the only thing that matters is what we say about the player looking for a team. Sure thing I can have a bad personality or what the fuck the situation is about but I’m giving some criticism to teamleaders about Sam, not about myself. Go home you autist, you’ve NEVER met me, played with me or even fucking said a word to me so who are you to judge me as annoying? Grow some pubic hair, grow up and try to actually meet me before you go head over heals with your terrible shitty opinion about what you might have heard about me.
    I’m out before I die of your aids, Pedohirsch. Good luck Sam.

  9. PdH said:

    cool story bro,the point is “terrible, terrible personality” is not a bit helpfull for anyone.
    i see you in the comments of every third d5/6 hl recruitment post writing something stupid.
    and “I’m out before I die of your aids, Pedohirsch” is funny because your cancer spreads way more.
    you cant impress with a crazy deep cool long text about judging as long as you are the ones that is doing pointless assessments

  10. firej said:

    Likes to rq or kick in lobbies tho not bad

  11. stacked said:

    420 bump

  12. #S said:

    Bumper carts

  13. Caffs said:

    Brilliant sniper and spy, though does well in all classes. Can be quiet at times. 10/10 would recommend

  14. Teatime: AEUGH - beans said:

    really good sniper, easily div 4 I’d say
    also has great calls if he calls and such a cool voice

  15. Royal Flush: A Dillion - beans said:

    Really good sniper. I reckon he can do div 4 for what i have seen of him

  16. #S said:


  17. #S said:


  18. stacked said:


  19. Coopxr said:


    Called us all dicks and nobody has the slightest clue who he is. +rep

  20. Jonaz said:

    Friendly – No
    Dick – Yes

  21. Green said:

    Can carry as sniper up to div4, can do div3 if you want to try him out. Also a really good all-rounder, can’t play med though. But neither can I.

  22. Larath: /gE/ - GoodE said:

    Joined my wireplay team, someone warned me he would leave, I asked him he said no and within two weeks he had left the team. :<

  23. firej said:


  24. Max: Fusion said:

    Probably elliot Rodgers http://i.4cdn.org/b/1401112903769.png

  25. stacked said:


  26. stacked said:


  27. stacked said:


  28. stacked said:


  29. Max: Fusion said:

    Fairplay doesn’t exist within this person.

  30. stacked said:

    good good 2 know

  31. hr said:

    12:16 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ: So u don’t want me ?
    12:17 – hr: I’m not really interested in trialling people for subs nor putting people I’ve never played with on my roster sorry
    12:19 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCimONa6NWrSIPgncNp_VOgA
    12:48 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ: So no?
    12:48 – hr: as I said
    12:49 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ: Even when they are better than you?
    12:50 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ: Lol idiot leader like the rest.
    12:50 – hr: That’s not a very good attitude to take, and having only d6 experience and having never played with me quite a stupid statement
    12:50 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ is now Online.
    12:51 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ: Div 6 r you retarded?
    12:51 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ: Look at my rec post
    12:51 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ: Every1 says 4/3
    12:51 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ: So sit_down
    12:52 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ is now Away.

  32. ryan: lizard said:

    Will leave your team after 2 weeks if he joins, I predicted right the first time. Thinks he is better than everyone he plays with and leaves if he realises he actually isn’t.

  33. stacked said:

    hr can make fake chat logs 8/8 for trying

  34. stacked said:

    12:16 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ: So u don’t want me ?
    12:17 – hr: I’m not really interested in trialling people for subs nor putting people I’ve never played with on my roster sorry
    12:19 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCimONa6NWrSIPgncNp_VOgA
    12:48 – Krakenヽ( ⌒‿⌒)ノ: So no?

    that is what we got up to then you started to free style? kk