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Medic  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European Space Wizards

Posted by MH: | Last Online:

We also are looking for a medic sub. Yes, I know "sub" but you'd get to play, trust me.
For Medic, div 5 experience needed (higher div exp = more than welcome), speak english fluently, gamesense and can maincall + micro manage.

Add me if you're interested.

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View Div 5 4 413


  1. navitsu said:

    why would you have a main med who can’t play all the scrims anyways?

  2. Taylor Swift said:

    Because people have other commitments, like real life stuff, what kind of question is that?!

  3. navitsu said:

    in my opinion playing with different medics makes a huge difference; i feel like you should move the guy who can’t play all the scrims to sub, and someone else on main then

  4. Taylor Swift said:

    That’s actually kinda right but first I need to find a good medic :)

  5. Taylor Swift said:


  6. fishyard: ︻芫═一☺ said:

    Added you, I have experience in div 5 and 6 on scout and soldier.

  7. Taylor Swift said:


  8. Taylor Swift said:

    bumpidy bump