![Soldier Soldier](/images/icons/16x16_Soldier.png)
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Hello there!
I am a young motivated 17 years old TF2 player, been playing TF2 since 2009 and competitive since 2012.
I played soldier for The Tiny Waffles for a year ( ) Scoring 12th best team on summer season at UGC, and 24th on season 11th at UGC.
Season 12 on UGC I played for Oreoes, scoring 7th in silver, and even higher if it wasn't for unfortunate real-life events.
I am NOT as confident about Div-1, but I am willing to give it a shot, as I've been recommended for Platinum multiple times.
I speak fluent english and finnish, and I can play lower/higher divisions, but I'd prefer 1/2.
Add me for anything :3
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Maybe you should try silver again, or gold if you are keen and want to prove your skill and potential. Silver to plat isn’t impossible, but give gold a shot anyway. Just my 2 cents.
That is why I said I’m not as confident for div-1, high silver would do good aswell, but ofcourse I’d rather go higher when I have the potential to do it. The best team for me would be in mid-gold, but as I said, I can play lower or higher divisions.
Silver is like low div 4
Div 1/Div 2 172 days ago
Div 5/Div 6 191 days ago
get good, get olBaabox – best free TF2 hack in the world
No I accidentally didn’t close the previous post where I was searching for div4, and updated it to div1/2. But then I realized it had already been hidden due for being there for so long
If silver is low div 4, does that mean high div 4 is gold? Seems legit.
Ye just fyi man: ugc nowdays doesn´t matter at all to etf2l divs, almost anyone div4+ skilled can play even platinium nowdays, plat is around prem-d3 and there is many mix teams (offclasser teams and such), but like I have no idea what is the etf2l level on other divs then, It is not even close to division 1 etf2l tho. gl searching team…
Sure, sure, but I’m mainly playing UGC anyways, and their recruitment system isn’t even worth a shot. If I put Div4 here I’ll get into Div4 team in UGC. Anyways, from my experience HL in ETF2L isn’t that much different, but if I’d go for sixes I’d go for div6
How I see it..
Plat=prem-high div3
Gold=low div3-div4
Silver=low div4-div5
Sixes in UGC is a fucking joke, but the Highlander scene of UGC is larger than on ETF2L. I’ve merced for div3 HL teams on ETF2L, and it wasn’t any harder than it was in silver finals.
division 1 and prem are where it’s at
Really… larger than ETF2L?
Why all the top highlander european prem teams in ETF2L are not playing next UGC season then?
Also I remember one season when silver and plat got united due to lack of teams.
I don’t know, maybe it is because UGC hasn’t announced any prices. But UGC amounts up more HL teams in almost every division, tho they don’t have premiership division.
But sure, overall ETF2L has better players, that’s why they have premiership division, so they can move players that are too good for platinum to prem, which leads you to believe UGC and ETF2L divisions are pretty much the same, because ETF2L can send their better teams to upper division.
Also, Jwso, I have no idea what you are saying, are you replying to me or Horppi?
Most of the top Plat teams are div 3 or maybe 2, but almost all prem and division 1 teams are only playing in ETF2L. There is no reason to play if you roll 95 percent of the games.
Could be. But there is -chess- which is premium team, tc.crush/crash div1. Now granted, chess club rolled the platinum, and they deserve to be in premium and thats their skill level, but TC.crush/crash have been doing about the same in platinum for 3 seasons, amounting 1:1 win ratio.
Anyways, good to see people commenting other than div5 in ETF2L=Plat in UGC.
Oh and also, you play in premtech. You have ReseF as your heavy, and tseini also plays with you. And then you think UGC is shit just because you don’t play there. Alright.
And tseini is good, but not for premiership. And ReseF? He is a fucking pub heavy who thinks too highly of himself, and also he is a huge narsistic.
“Season 12 on UGC I played for Oreoes, scoring 7th in silver, and even higher if it wasn’t for unfortunate real-life events.”
1: You wouldn’t come that i high without your hacker rofl
2: It would be higher if he didn’t get vac banned. ugc = 0 fucks given x——–D
Shittalking People in Your own rec post? Pretty fucking “Oreo-tastic”
Also if you ACTUALLY played in d1/d2, ETF2L would be a fucking joke. You say ReseF thinks so highly of himself. It makes no Clear sense since you are a fucking d5 Level solly trying to overshoot d1.
But fear not! As I have the solution to Your problems!
You just have to follow 4 simple steps to get better in game and in life, also make everyone happy:
1) Climb tall building
2) Jump off tall building
3) ?????
Congratulations! You’ve stopped wasting people’s oxygen!
What the fuck do you know about being a div 1/prem sniper or heavy or who can play on that level when you have experience in UGC silver at most? Great experience you have there for shittalking people with much higher div experience than you.
Suomeksi: oot äärimmäisen tyhmä jätkä, suositeltuja hoitokeinoja ovat videopeleissä paremmaksi kehittyminen tai jälkiabortti.
I’m sorry, hatsune miku didn’t play single official. I’m still doubtful if he was hacking, he had 4000+ hours on sniper + ping on his side.
“……so they can move players that are too good for platinum to prem, which leads you to believe UGC and ETF2L divisions are pretty much the same, because ETF2L can send their better teams to upper division.”
Eh what? Logic is strong with this one :DDDDD
tried to maincall as engi ggwp
“this map is good for rocket jumps”
I know because I study TF2 matches to get better. I also love the fact that you, HedoKingoglu, haven’t ever played against me, and you play in div5, but you still know that I’m div5. And I also find it extremely funny that almost everyone here is just a another finnish guy who has so big crush for ETF2L that they can’t make goddamn arguments.
Yes. ReseF is not a fucking div 1/prem heavy, nearly. His gamesense is straight from pub, he roams as a heavy and whines when he doesn’t get the heals while doing that. And Tseini is good, not div1/prem as I said. And I’ve seen better snipers in the UGC silver you so much hate, and jesus christ was it really that important to talk in finnish? Can’t speak english? Is that the reason why you are in a team full of finnish people?
Both of ye are seem to be butthurt that I despise ReseF, and that I played in silver, even when you both play division 5, and I’m fucking cool with that, but don’t come around saying I don’t know shit about higher division gameplay.
Let me say something in finnish too, then.
ETF2L on täynnä just teirän kaltaisia mopo-jonneja jotka pelaan tiimissä joka on täynnä amiksia teirän koulusta.
You ever played with resef ? XD
Oh and you too ekkelund, fucking 13 year old demo who doesn’t know where to go, and when I decide that no one else is telling people what to do, I tell them, then he seems to be too dumb to realize that it doesn’t matter which class main calls, espessy when there is no one else to do that.
And Horppi please, try even. Even if you don’t understand basic fucking competition systems, try to even make half-hatched counter argument for it.
Too many times cobz, too many times.
well lets make a scout maincall in both hl and 6s
is that what ur implying bru
4000 hours as sniper x————-D where did you heard that shit.
Okay it seems that you’re totally retarded not commenting anymore.
well, he is been doing decent in most of prem/d1 games he’s played.
No, I’m saying lets make even someone who can fucking main call to main call, when people are lost and don’t know what the fuck to do, by that time is it really important that it’s medic or pocket who is main calling? Alright, go back running in fucking circles and popping awful pops.
rofl this guy
Talisman I played in d4 and d3 as engineer, played tons of high Level mixes etc. etc.
D5 is soo easy for me (and lots of People) I can multi-class at that div, but it seems obvious that you can barely play that Level With Your main.
Also Norwegian auto-correct sucks.
Well after the games I played games with him, he was looking a team on prem, but everythings possible. I’m just saying that the people from his team are coming over because I am “going too high”, even when this wasn’t a long time ago.
It’s not that I specificially hate you talisman. I have no respect for anyone who played in oreoes.
and, is it needed to trashtalk everyone ?
I agree with you on the first sentence, I can play most of the classes in this game on div4-3, and soldier I can play top straight, I rollout faster than most of prem soldiers, even in 6s, I got the gamesense, I got the DM. And it seems obvious that I can’t play my level with soldier? I don’t even fucking know you, but I’m amazed by your ability to know players skill level just by reading comments, props.
I really don’t know what is the reasoning behind this sudden burst of hate towards everyone and everything.
If you need concrete proof, just look at S12’s match history. Chessclub and Stacked only lost to each other (although -std- lost to ¹ᴿᵂ :~D), while both of them have had actual competition in Premiership division this season.
Cobz, I’m only attacking people who are attacking me here.
Well, ReseF wasn’t but I already got hatriod for him
I rollout faster than most of prem soldiers, even in 6s
So you are one of those scrublord sollies who rollouts without using the disciplinary action on koth and 5cp HL rollout?
I’ve lost even more respect to you.
Well, I can’t find resef or tseini anywhere on this rec post, sorry.
I didn’t even say anything about stacked. And I said chessclub steamrolled through the league, that is why they are premium. TC:C/C plays div1 on ETF2L, and they are doing as good on UGC.
Um… Stacked where the winners last UGC season…
Also what does stacked and TC have to do anything With you?
And tseini, but I said he is good, I really don’t think he’d be playing in prem, but its been 1,5 year since I last played with him.
HedoKingoglu, is it more important to get people to the mid point on koth 1 second faster, or get the enemy demoman? And on 5cp it is really just about the teams playstyle, if they want to take more defensive go whip.
Nothing much, was just arguing about UGC being a joke league.
ReseF#WillPlayUGC4Food: i dont even know talisman
It is a joke league; it became after season 11. Which is sad btw.
Talisman always uptodate.
Alright, so if a team which does good in platinum in UGC, and also does good in div1 in ETF2L, does that mean ETF2L is a joke league?
Besides the match setup system is awful here due to there being only 6 teams.
No mitä vittua talismaani, ootko ihan saatanan autisti :-D Ja anna tulla vaan paskapuhetta premtechistä jos vielä vaginaa kutittaa, maito on ennenkin saanut porukan repimään aivot irti perssuolien kautta. Sitten kun olet parin (parinkymmenen) vuoden päästä itse euroopan parhaiden joukossa niin voit kertoa kuinka vituttaa kun muut on sua paskempia sun mielestä, mutta SUN HELVETIN DIVISIOONA PERUNA SKILLEILLÄ EN LÄHTISI JAKAMAAN MIELIPITEITÄ MUIDEN TASOSTA TÄÄLLÄ 8)
I cannot breath this air
En sanonukkaan että olisin parempi, ja se että pelaan alemmassa divisioonassa estää muo kritisoimasta teitä? Okei, tuu repii autistin aivot irti perssuolien kautta.
You might want to actually trial to prove you’re good enough for div2 instead of being a huge nerd..
..although I don’t see why any team would want to pick you up with that kind of attitude. Good thing I’m no team leader, then.
1) Shittalks People in his own rec post
2) Played in oreoes
3) Speaks a Foreign Language in a English-speaking site
4) Overshoots his div
5) Doesn’t whip his own team in koth-5cp HL
So good
Ja ygösellä mennään taas henkilökohtasuuksiin. Me molemmat taidetaan tietää miten niissä matseissa missä pelasit mun kanssa kävi ja sun maincallausyrityksestä ei ainakaan hyötyä niissä matseissa ollu. Ite pidän sitä lievästi epämukavana että engineer callaa kritzit ja puskut mun puolesta kun sillä ei kuitenkaan mitään merkittävää osaa niissä ole. Tän takia, kuten varmaan muistatkin, sanoin sulle että ole ristoräppääjä hiljaa ja anna comboclassien callata. Jälkeenpäin aateltuna olit kyllä hyvin loota kii sen jälkeen että jos lähetään positiivisia puolia sun pelaamisesta hakee niin siinä ois yks ja ainoa.
Jwso that is why I setup this post, to either get into a team this level or trial, and I enjoy being a huge nerd. And the good thing for me is that I don’t go around peoples recru posts, but who am I to judge, I’m an asshole myself.
HedKingoglu I really don’t see why do you have a raging boner for oreoes? And I didn’t start the finnish train, and you haven’t play with me yet you say I overestimate my division.
Well, “a” team yes. So let’s say PLAT in UGC is a JOKE.
xD, at least we are having fun here. I was bored anyways
Oreoes knowingly used a hacker sniper to win scrims and go to higher divisions.
Thanks to the AC team they were negated.
Oisin ollut täysin hiljaakin jos comboclassit ois callinu, ja se että se on epämukavaa ei tee siitä huonoa.
Comboclassit callas ja älä huoli, se oli ihan perseestä.
The sniper still didn’t hack, he is also extremely big on CS:GO, go watch some of its competitive play, almost everyone is at the same level. And he told us he really didn’t want to play for us because he wanted to play platinum, but he had no TF2 competitive background.
as you do ?
Well, I have 2 years of TF2 competitive and 5 years on TF2 on general. So I do have some background.
every single user on etf2l knows that you are overestimating your div.
hours mean skill, forgot that one.
You do realise that the stuff you are writing here is just making it a thousand times harder for you to find a team
Nope, mostly just shitloads of finnish people for some reason. Besides, you are the only one of these who have played with me ekkelund, and when I was off-classing. Also cobz, I got 2750h on TF2, and nearly 1000h on soldier.
Selling English translations of those Finnish texts for 5 keys each!
Translations sold so far : 3
Add me for fast trade!
”Nope, mostly just shitloads of finnish people for some reason” so you admit that you are overestimating yourself?
Could be, but I’m really looking for a different team besides the people who’ve been commenting here.
hours mean skill yesssss
I was responding to cobz “every single user on etf2l knows that you are overestimating your div.”
en ummarra
mina huono suomi
Cobz doesn’t that just mean I can be viable for platinum? Besides, the time I made a recru post to move to div4, I got these same comments, just not as many. And really, how am I supposed to move up the ladder without trying higher divisions.
well you can play mixes and see if you are doing well or not. So you can show proofs and people can be like “he seems good let’s trial him”.
…Instead of shittalking everyone and acting like a 12 year old guy.
btw, hours don’t mean shit, you still can be crap with 2750h even with more.
I’ve heard rumors that there are divisions between 1-2 and 5 but who knows????
Löysin sulle jengin joka vois olla kiinnostunut jos harjoittelet vähän kielitaitojasi :)
div 2 is a long shot Im not gonna lie. Hedo stop being a clown, Talisman stop being a clown. End of story. GL searching for teams.
div 2 is a long shot Im not gonna lie. Hedo stop being a clown, Talisman stop being a clown. End of story. GL searching for teams both of you.
ryan pls
Ekkelund I still haven’t played div 5 for a long time, and I can play div3 without problem. And cobz, hours don’t mean shit, as you said. Alright, I don’t have much hours currently, so they don’t matter? Therefore, I have more chance to get into platinum. there is only my record of competitive TF2. Oh wait, you didn’t care about that either, I guess I’m just div5 player by default, thanks.
And shit-talking everyone? I shit-talked Tseini and ReseF, otherwise I’ve just defended myself.
i am learn play for this good players
“I shit-talked Tseini” lol, u r deffo a clown :^)
I should stop being a clown? Says the guy who acts like a retarded kid whenever he sees me somewhere.
kyllä sä mulle aika rumasti sanoit eikä se ollut itsepuolustusta… tuomio: syyllinen
okey hedo :333 ^^ EVERYONE IS CLOWN XDDDD
Hours don’t matter. Well jumping from d5 to d1 is kinda hard and you gotta try d4-d3 before. Thatz it, no need to be rude.
do you have any proof of those div 3 games you played? Team names or anything?
Se että se on sanottu “rumasti” ei tarkoita ettei se oo itsepuolustusta. Se oli sinä joka tuli tänne valittamaan että callasin enginä, ja selitin miksi, ja ehkä liian agressiivisesti, mutta oon rakennettu niin.
tolla logiikallahan kaikki mahdolliset luokkaukset on itsepuolustusta koska ilmeisesti jos joku millään tavalla kritisoi sua niin se pitää haukkua ns. huitsin nevadaan
Rakastan juustoa !
Play a div, don’t be shit in that div, congrats you can now define yourself worthy of that div
Jos se toinen ampui ensin, nii kyllä.
#top troll 9.5/10
hey juju hey mentelex, welcome !
mitä vittua minä ammuin? sanoin että yritit maincallata enginä, niinkuin sinä teit. Ja sä näät tän jonain todella loukkaavana asiana jonka takia täytyy haukkua ns. syvimpiin syövereihin
This beats my recruitment post by far.
hello there
Before my last team I played in a division 4 team after which I got picked for a new team project created by “Taylor Swift” , who I’m sure many of you know. The original plan was to go for div 2 as our roster seemed fairly strong. We even excelled in many scrims against div 2 teams and gave a fair fight to some div 1 teams too; (to be more exact and to give this story a bit more credibility, the teams we mostly played against were: chimpz, after dark and TC storm.) Everyone had fun until we were dealt the horrible faith of having to play div3 next season, as we had no previous game history. Many of us were upset about this but eventually got over it saying “we’ll at least we can rek division 3 now. Some even claimed us to have the “OP-roster for div 3”.
Plot twist: we lost every game in div 3 but one, leader raged quit after second official and the remaining games were a mess and a half.
The lesson of the story: I don’t care how long you’ve played the easiest class in the game after heavy, you will still not have fun in division 2.
/thread (hopefully)
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your mainclass hours ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
wow 80+ comments after 2 hours xddddd
How is it even possible to get 111 comments in 24 hours and 3 minutes….
Plz someone cast this recpost @
do it
i’ll save this page when this gets closed and sell both finnish and english translations of this
for only 1 key each, unlike wiiiiiiiiiiiiii and his jewish prices
Ei kukaan sinua oo estämässä kritisoimasta korkeamman divisioonan tiimejä, mutta se onki asia erikseen onko sillä sinun kritiikillä mitään painoarvoa koska et varmaan opeta isääskään nussimaan. Ihan ymmärrettävää että tossa iässä voi olla päällä se ylemmyyskompleksivaihe missä se oma mielipide ja ajattelutapa on se ainoa oikea ja muiden mielipiteet ja ajattelutavat on ihan tyhmiä vaan siks että ne on erilaisia mutta eiköhän se parissa vuodessa mee ohi. Mietin vaan että jos sulla on niin #prem rolloutit, gamesense, ja DM niin mikset vaikka menis ekaks käymään div 4/3 ja tuhoais siellä kaikki, niin eiköhän vähitellen alkais div 2 tiimitki kiinnostumaan, ei tollasta oikein tosissaan oteta joka ettii div 1/2 tiimiä sen takia että monet on sanonu että pitäis olla platinumissa “:~D”
Apologies for everyone who want to enjoy this rec post but cant because they are in foreign language, feel free to add me for FREE translations :~)
fuck you i want the keys
muuta tää div3/4 postiks nii ehkä sä löydät jonkun tiimin ens hl seasonille täällä
Aron, you are right, but I’m really looking for harder and harder challenges, which make me happy. I want to get my ass-kicked from time to time. And I thought cobz was real, so I copy-pasted my hours, but I still directly after that when he replied, I commented that the hours not mattering helps me, it lessens my negative attributions, due me not having that many hours on the game. I admit I shoulda known that cobz was ironic, but, these comments thinking that I defend myself with hours of playtime, almost make it worth it. And I’d argue about soldier being easy class, but it really doesn’t matter since it’s premise about my hours is false.
Ryan and Mentelex, you got my respect, even tho I doubt it matters shit for you. Also, someone is gonna reply with something along the lines “You think your respect matters ?” especially with that grammar.
And I got more reasons to move out of Finland, I mean I used to have more respect for people who live in the north, but, it’s all gone now.
I’m not gonna reply anymore, or I’m gonna be here all day. I still think I am in the right division, and no, it is not div5. If you wan’t to argue read all of these comments first, then add me. This post will be up for people who want me to trial or just aks more questions. Yes, I’m an asshole, yes I attack people and try to destroy them, but it really is better than hiding behind the curtain and trying to attack from there. So yeah, fuck me, fuck you.
lol, just a video game jeez.
Well good luck finding a team anyways.
I hope the “hiding behind the curtain and trying to attack from there” is not to me because I consider myself to be the person who charges naked at a person rather than hiding in trees With armor made of platinium.
Wait WTF am I talking about?
I am just gonna leave.
Competitive TF2.
i uploaded meanwhile the demo of hatsune on a mge server. I hope all of you enjoy this. :^)
And this is why you shouldn’t search for a team on etf2l
Are you trolling or just trolling?
Holy shit that’s pretty fucking obvious triggerbot there
overshooting his div way more than i am mine
“I attack people and try to destroy them, but it really is better than hiding behind the curtain and trying to attack from there. So yeah, fuck me, fuck you.”
Big step?
meanwhile look at this video
Shittalk me too pls :(
Also rofl, Tseini not d1/prem? You retarded?
almost 80% of this video is wrong translated bloodis. :/ Still funny tho.
You’re sick if you find that video funny.
this is proof finland is taking over tf2
I know the russian language and the “troll” translate makes it funny there. Because almost everything is completly wrong. Calm down Klaudia.
Doesn’t matter much, it’s just his behavior and his extreme level of autism, and the way he just screams at his mother with her being completely stone-faced like that’s an everyday thing. That’s just really not funny.
do people even care about highlander, like, for real?
Who is this guy?
And more importantly, do I still have time to go get some popcorn or are you guys tired of this already?
someone pls say something funny,i need more stupid binds
oot myöhäs sepu D:
Guys, im understanding the low level meta, can i go div 1 now?
I also was best soldier in div 6 =]
Gib div 3 now
moi mitä täällä tapahtuu
i spent way too much time reading all this stuff :0
2 thigs to bump this
1st my team lost iron but woud have been 2nd div6 (if som merc engie wouldnt have used trigger but we would have won this anyways ;_;) so that div calculation seems a bit weird for me at least.
2nd hatsune obviously no cheat yesyes legit player when some of his teammates already call him cheater
Mitähän vittua täällä tapahtuu
I’ve never seen you play to say whether you can do div 2+ highlander, but you certainly have the attitude to fit right in.
I love you Russian :)
not gonna lie you can be as skilled as you want but if you’re going to make a total dildo of yourself on your post nobody is gonna touch you with a barge pole
You are sick if you don’t think that video is funny
HedoKingoglu: BFN said:
Shittalking People in Your own rec post? Pretty fucking “Oreo-tastic”
Jesus, now i’m really in love with Hedo.
this is one of the stupidiest rec posts i’ve read in a while
good read on the hl drama, seems as stupid as the gamemode itself
wtf is this even he doesn’t even play sniper
Seems like you are in love With a handsome muscular gentleman like me Alice. You also look pretty good. Do you want to have sex? Gender doesn’t matter.
I dont even talisman :(
Lol, i keep reading this drama…
There are many players who skipped their divs, for example lets take Steve, he plays in Prem 6v6 as a Medic, his previous experience in 6v6 was Div 5 as Scout IIRC.
Other players like This is Evil (R.I.P) played in Div 6 and Silver UGC, skipped to Plat and Div 1/Prem as an Engie.
There’s nothing bad at skipping divs, from div 5 to 1/2, all you need to do, is trial for a Team, add “Mix/Merc Solly” to your nickname and wait and see if someone needs a Merc solly, your friend will contact you, only if you have any High div friends. Alternatively just ask some high div team leader (if you have em) to play 1 scrim just for the experience and also play Mixes, if you can do good at mixes, you maybe can do good in a real team.
Just stop with this drama, until you show us a proof that you played for at least a Div 3/Gold team, you cant defend yourself and you can’t say you’re good for div you’re looking, ask friends if you can merc for Div 3 at least, do good, show logs, do bad, you’re not even Div 3. It is how it is.
”you’re new players have as ego as big as a whale and skill has low as street bench” – Kayzer 2014″
That makes two of us, Scissors.
Hahaha fuck hl
Hes not responding anymore ;_; Did we scare him?
I wanted to get trashtalked ;_;
You tell everyone here they shouldnt tell you that you overestimate your div because they don’t know you.
Well, my etf2l team scrimmed you with oreos 1.5months ago.
I’d say you overestimate your div. By a lot.
Try something lower and work your way up.
I cannot believe i read all of the 159 comments on this thing… I seriously have to think about my life.
Don’t worry, Hedo comments reposts for a living, so thats not unusual.
Also, fak you, ReseF is best Fake-Russian and fat-gunman-nigga in all of San Marino.
I doubt you can handle these divs, but I haven’t seen you play for a long time. And I think people trying to jump divs is fine, you just shouldn’t make such a fuzz out of it when you do though. I would fricking laugh my butt off if we see him in div 1 next season.
Someone trial him and give me STV i am genuinely interested in how he does. Also, LFT Medic Prem-Recpost incoming. B)
Love all you guys who keep me entertained.
Yours sincerely,
burnt my food while reading this, thanks
5/10 wouldnt recommend or read again
‘chess club rolled the platinum, and they deserve to be in premium’
If this isn’t the new ETF2L profile information for -chess- I will be very disappointed Scissors.
cant be arsed to change it, too busy killing people n shit
Holy shit this rec thread.
rec post of the season! enjoyable
i dont even know this guy but i have to quote limp here and post this
You have just given yourself a really bad reputation to this community. Good luck.
Your reputation is 10x worse than mine. May god help you.
Silly hedo :^)
First and last
Worse than sakkeus
^that hurt
I’ve heard some rumours that this guy lost to sakkeus in endif
What on earth is happening here :D
Holy shit you listen to terrible music
i guess this needs a #bump
Why would you bump it!?
Why not? Maybe he will respond again, which would be funny as hell
Free hat at 200Bumper,spam doesnt count B)
lol tseini, you ugly personn
This is by far the best drama-inducing post I’ve seen on ETF2L so far.
I’m kinda surprised that people actually think that he is really looking for a team, I’m pretty sure that he realizes that this level is too high for him, and he just made a (successful) troll recpost.
Also TW didn’t finish #12 and #23 in UGC season 10 and 11, they finished #12 and #23 in steel, and their total placing in the UGC would be #59 and #81 respectively.
nobody care about truth
We need to beat Klaudia’s rec post:
27 comments to go
Xacher is just way too serious about that
“ReseF? He is a fucking pub heavy”
“And Tseini is good, not div1/prem as I said. And I’ve seen better snipers in the UGC silver”
lol what
maaaan, i don’t feel entertained anymore by this… :(
Bump hihihi
I won’t
200 get
Free hat, ty
Tseini sent me a free hat +rep
taylor swift got rekd
i have autism
i wonder what you have to say now 8)
ponys are for stronk men
can admins please delete our spam? plox
maybe they can give you ban for forum comments B)
also,this is almost beating klaudias post
STOP IT TSEINI!!!1!!1!11!!
Oh. 221th comment. That’s it, gg. That beats my comments and I’m very confident this has more than 4200 views. Thanks for game, wp. Congratulations Talisman!
Fucking HL players.
v.v You have to make a “LF Prem” post Klaudia :D
HL drama. Every time.
What would etf2l be without drama B)
In some seasons perhaps, ggamefreak :)
spam got deleted.
give home
so many comments :O
stop bumping and let this cancer die.
how is this cancer
Memes sex 69
bump help this man find team :))
Shit I’m late sorry traffic ‘n all what did I miss?
What’s going on here guys this guy is obviously prem????
No team yet??? Come on
1 day bump
Can’t believe this retard hasn’t closed his rec post yet.
he needs a team
No he doesn’t.
11th in ugc steel during summer season and 24th in ugc steel the seaosn after? Stop sandbagging Prem
11th in ugc steel
u have Samsung Galaxy S4?
this is soon a month old already
jesus christ time goes so fast
This rec post gonna disappear in 2 or 3 days
nähdään silverissä