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MedicPyro  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

England Kuma

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello, I mostly main pyro and can also play medic. I have never been in any competitions but play tf2center a lot. I am looking for a highlanderopen team if possible but will willingly play in divsion 6.
I can play ; Mondays : 15:30-18 , Tuesday : 15:30 + , Wednesday : 16:30 + ,Thurdsday : 18:00 + , Friday : 15:30- 18:00 , Saturday and Sunday 10:00 +
^ This is if all my clubs and school go to as planned. Sometimes hours will change

I am fluent in English.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:121438421 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left The Agency [Highlander] Kuma
Joined Team Colonslash: Snowy [6v6] Sigma
Left The Vegetable of Military Science [6v6] Kuma
Joined The Vegetable of Military Science [6v6] scrambled
Left Less Than Three [6v6] Chronos
Joined The Agency [Highlander] scrambled
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Kuma
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left The Agency [Highlander] Kuma
Joined The Agency [Highlander] scrambled
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Kuma
Joined Less Than Three [6v6] Chronos
Left Bureau [6v6] Kuma
Joined Bureau [6v6] Chronos
Left Team of Smashing Gentlemen [6v6] FusionSoldier
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left Downtown Strikers [Highlander] Dominator
Joined Downtown Strikers [Highlander] Dominator
Joined Team of Smashing Gentlemen [6v6] FusionSoldier
Left Tender Loving Care [Highlander] Kuma
Joined Tender Loving Care [Highlander] Hamsterhero

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  1. sinr said:

    this screams girl gamer
    how can I tell?
    she plays medic and pyro.

  2. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    So? He/She can play whatever he/she wants ;)

  3. Kuma: TC said:

    im not a girl…