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Seems like everything's off the rails for Bananas, so I might as well start looking for an etf2l team already and see what I can get.
I'm willing to play pyro one more season, in prem. Can pretty much play whenever when I know it a few days in advance. I'm okay with scrimming during the summer if there's any teams playing then. I might also be up for subbing for a prem team, can probably play soldier/demo as well if I'm subbing.
If you think you have a spot for me just post here or talk to me on Steam.
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:61810540Team History
Previous Recruitment Posts
View | Skill | Classes | Views | Added | |
View | Mid | 5 | 522 | ||
View | Prem | 12 | 747 | ||
View | Prem | 13 | 869 | ||
View | Div 4/Div 5 | 3 | 381 | ||
View | Div 1/Div 2 | 23 | 951 |
Oh shit I wanna see MF maincalling :D
Wait you have a voice now? The world has changed.
Great pyro, can handle Prem easily
nice pyro
bestest and nicest!
Literally the best pyro in the game, makes the rest look as shit as b33p.
absolutely sick at all his listed classes, do yourself as favour and pick him up
cool guy, nice pyro.
Thanks for all the kind words people <3. I've had 2 offers so far, none for Wireplay, where's them Wireplay teams at?
Bump for visibility
bump for a friend and good player c:
bump for… SPARTA
One last bump
if i can prem so can he :D
Really good pyro, and a great person.
Nice guy and really good addition to any team
Just looking for a Wireplay (backup) spot now, add me if you can hook me up