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Medic  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Netherlands Nroski

Posted: | Last Online:

After all the is house esports drama and a bad attempt at reviving it, it has finally come to a fold, which made me very sad, but I do want to continue my ambition to go div 3 so I'm now looking for a keen team that will go div 3 next season.

The important shit:
-I'm available all night every day but saturday and only from 20:30 and later on tuesdays
-I can maincall somewhat decently and I think I actually prefer to do so
-Somewhat decent at everything else too
-I'm really keen and I will tryhard
-Looking for a team that wants to do the same
-I'm obviously looking for some nice and friendly people to play with

Add me if you want more info or actually want to trial me. (doubt it)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:52884216 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Iso-G [6v6] nean
Left Boer zoekt vrouw [6v6] Nroski
Joined Boer zoekt vrouw [6v6] pingu
Left TEZC | Nuggets [6v6] Nroski
Joined TEZC | Nuggets [6v6] vUUZ
Left prtyboiz [6v6] Casual
Joined prtyboiz [6v6] alle
Left AfterShock Gaming [6v6] Nroski
Joined AfterShock Gaming [6v6] h3x
Left is house esports [6v6] Nroski
Joined ManTouchéd is Bad [Highlander] Lyrete
Left Italian DM Heroes [Highlander] Nroski
Joined Italian DM Heroes [Highlander] Dingo
Left Infinite Happiness [Highlander] Nroski
Joined Infinite Happiness [Highlander] pingu
Left Team IKEA [Highlander] Nroski
Joined is house esports [6v6] thng
Left Doesn't matter [6v6] Nroski
Joined #Lyrete is een broodje [1v1] Nroski
Joined Sauerkraut [2v2] Nroski
Joined Doesn't matter [6v6] Nroski
Left Doesn't matter [6v6] Nroski
Joined Doesn't matter [6v6] Nroski
Left Über Good Gangsters [6v6] Nroski
Joined Über Good Gangsters [6v6] Nroski
Joined Team IKEA [Highlander] Nroski

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3 16 589
View Div 3 11 568
View Div 5 5 318
View Div 5/Div 6 0 245


  1. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:


  2. yak said:

    Nroski’s really good

  3. Dingo: HG - cirlo said:

    The combo is to blame, but not nroski!

  4. turkuaz said:

    shame it didnt work . good luck mate

  5. pierzzz-: VR said:

    best med i’ve ever had.. good luck my friend <3

  6. Larath: /gE/ - GoodE said:

    Seen worse I guess, should join my HL team as spy.

  7. ManTouched: IKEA said:

    My favorite med <3

    Also #FuckLyrete

  8. gouldie said:

    i have never had the pleasure of playing with this beautiful dutchman but from what i have heard he has a sexy voice which will make you question your sexuality and many pictures of him and his best friend kaidus which he will send to you even if you dont ask for them.

  9. clip: ist doof said:

    The combo is to blame, but not nroski!

  10. Leagle_: + - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Good medic, should do good. Good luck

  11. Hry!: BFN said:

    Excellent Medic

    I love nroski

  12. thng: is house said:

    he’s a very nice person.

  13. Nroski: G - mib* said:

    I’m back now so I can start trialling again.

  14. Nroski: G - mib* said:

    I need some more trials

  15. Peign slays dragons: snapeandjaptorc said:

    It’s not only that Nroski is a very good medic, he has something that you find in every 10000th player: When everyone gave up, people got mad, shit went even shittier and the hate is heating up…

    …Nroski is calm. Alway calm. And it’s the best thing ever. I actually envy you for this!

    gl with your search. doubt you need it tho!

  16. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:

    Nroski is the greatest