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Soldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

England Elliott

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi all haven't played a season in a while but am pretty keen and play a lot at this kind of level! Looking for a div 3 team to pocket for, established teams preferable but am open to anything! Thanks all

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:85892976 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] Coleman
Joined The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] Coleman
Left Team Infamous [6v6] Lacke
Joined Team Infamous [6v6] .
Left Virtual Λlliance [Highlander] Elliott
Left Danger Dogs [6v6] Elliott
Joined Danger Dogs [6v6] Serotone
Left MANS ON ROAD [6v6] Elliott
Left Mr. Kira and his flock of Flowers [6v6] Elliott
Joined Mr. Kira and his flock of Flowers [6v6] FLOWER
Left Virtual Λlliance [6v6] Elliott
Joined Virtual Λlliance [6v6] Elliott
Left Mitchiri Neko [6v6] Elliott
Joined Mitchiri Neko [6v6] Elliott
Left Glorious pc masterrace [6v6] Elliott
Joined Glorious pc masterrace [6v6] Elliott
Left Ideomotor Phenomenon [6v6] Elliott
Joined Virtual Λlliance [Highlander] Elliott
Joined Ideomotor Phenomenon [6v6] Elliott

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  1. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Very good pocket, strong dm and good aggressive american mindset.
    Perfect for any team that has a maincaller, will get the job done no matter what.

    Also very nice person, although sometimes lies about making weird noises after every word he says.

    Good luck Elliott!!!

  2. FLOWER: said:

    Really handsome guy, ive web cammed with him a few times i really enjoyed it! Can also play pocket really well , sick dm and good gamesense! Try him

  3. W1nco said:

    Really good dm. Doesnt have much official experience but has played on this level plenty anyway. Good pickup for any div3 team that wants a solid dm and gamesense pocket. GL Elliott!

  4. Serotone: #FreePat said:

    This guy literally has an engineer unusual. But apart from that he’s a really solid div 3 pocket. Pick him up.

  5. Rusti: HKN! said:

    i got asked to put something here

  6. Fischkopf: ist doof - HKN! said:

    He has the airshots, he has the gamesence but he forgot …. the shotgun lel

  7. Deox: myx - wL. said:

    Really great pocket, I enjoyed playing with him a few seasons ago and he always knew what to do.

  8. raad said:

    how do i join ur team?

  9. Fischkopf: ist doof - HKN! said:


  10. Elliott said:


  11. yak said:


  12. ari: HKN! said:


  13. Josh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    Has a good aim from what i have seen, dunno about gamesense, confident he can handle this level, if i am wrong shoot me.

  14. Lupus: L_? said:

    keenest keener to have ever keened.also MGE hero <3

  15. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    He’s good