ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Digital Gaming

Posted by h3x: | Last Online:

I search for experienced players, that may don't have thaaat much Competitive experience, but have much knowledge in tf2.
Players must at least have 1000 hours in tf2.
Classes i need:
Scout 2x
Subs are welcome too.
Add me to get some more info or to ask for recruitment.

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  1. Tzee: Cm said:


  2. h3x: bedgetf2 said:


  3. h3x Man-at-arms: LIT said:

    lol, who the hell are you?!

  4. Diesel said:


  5. FonexiA said:


  6. Julletin: AEUGH said:

    Hey add me, I get an error while adding you

  7. h3x Man-at-arms: LIT said:

    I did.

  8. Spike Himself: TC said:


  9. Janqe: TBA - ʕ ᓀ ᴥ ᓂ ʔ said:

    Pyro wtf

  10. Markus: nwolves - ʕ ᓀ ᴥ ᓂ ʔ said:

    There is an error adding you:c here is my profile, add me please!

  11. AmirBonk: whjat+ said:

    Tried to add you, But there seem to be an error. Please add me, Will play scout.

  12. HoboSandvich said:

    I tried to add you but there was an error, please add me. I can play medic.

  13. _FireCraft_ said:

    add me maybe ? :)

  14. POltron: BBB - PhD said:

    add me?

  15. radiophobia said:

    couldn’t add you but playing pocket soldier would be cool

  16. h3x Man-at-arms: LIT said:

    Added everyone who told me to.

  17. Iranian_With_Uranium: hp said:

    I main scout and I have already played a season of div 6, I will add you

  18. ziddy said:

    Me and my friend playing scout, added