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DemomanSoldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Scotland almightybob

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi. I'm bob, I'm 26 and I'm from Scotland. I'm looking to get back into 6s after some work commitments prevented me joining a team at the start of this season.


– looking for a demo or soldier spot. In order of preference: demo, pocket, roamer.
– have played in Div 5 previously, mix regularly with Div 4 players.
– experience as main caller and can main call if needed, but prefer the medic to take this role.
– keen and willing to improve.
– friendly and easy-going (but still want to win!), not one to rage.
– available Sun – Thurs, usually from ~8 CET until ~11 CET (although due to work and study commitments, these are subject to change – I will always do my best to inform my team as far in advance as possible if I cannot make a certain day/time).
– fluent English, y hablo español tambien (pero si quieren hablar español mientras estamos jugando, voy a necesitar practicar y aprender el vocabulario particular de TF2).


– an already established/nearly complete team. I don't particularly want to form a new team from scratch.
– organised, punctual and keen to play several times per week (although every day is a little much).
– friendly and have a laugh in Mumble.
– looking to do well in Div 5 or even push yourselves in Div 4.

Feel free to add me for a chat :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:34575135 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] [TANG] Merple
Left Scotland [National Highlander Team] scrambled
Joined d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] Fenrir
Left Sturminators [6v6] almightybob
Joined Sturminators [6v6] Steve
Left Get This Done [6v6] almightybob
Joined Get This Done [6v6] Xearo
Left Pipe Dreams [6v6] almightybob
Joined Scotland [National Highlander Team] Fenrir
Joined Pipe Dreams [6v6] ehdoo
Left Playstuff [6v6] almightybob
Joined Playstuff [6v6] almightybob
Joined 0% Skilled Airshots [2v2] almightybob
Joined Playstuff [Highlander] almightybob

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  1. Mads said:

    should be easy d5, gl

  2. Xearo: GTD said:

    smart, capable lad. could see him beating div5 on solly or demo.

  3. Deox: myx - wL. said:

    Really good man, div 5 would be a walk in the park for him.

  4. Flappy: W.tf - its said:

    Cool guy, can definitely do div 5 without a problem

  5. greenrab: tf said:

    Nice guy, definatly capable of div 5. +scottish

  6. Fenrir: Xypher said:

    Amazing and beautiful human being, div 5 is easy enough for this guy. Good luck lad.

  7. Hazo: GTD said:

    Great guy, can easily handle div 5.

  8. almightybob: .ps said:


  9. Shiwel: ffs said:

    Can’t really talk about skill, as im not that great myself, but he’s a nice guy :D

  10. Leagle_: + - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Hey, if you don’t happen to find higher div team, we could trial you as a demo ^_^ http://etf2l.org/recruitment/183658/

  11. PI Bob: PHC said:

    A pretty nice Bob , very friendly. Good luck mate.