ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerHeavyMedicSoldier  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European Itchy Bullets

Posted by Dr.Simsa.iB: | Last Online:

Hello there!
We are the Itchy Bullets, and we need you as a sub for most of our players except for scout, and we need a new engie.

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View Div 6 0 154
View Div 5/Div 6 0 171
View Div 6 6 403


  1. Tudor Alexandru said:

    Hi there, I can play soldier, engineer, or sniper. I have over 1200 hours in game and I’m new in this competition. I speak pretty good English and I am from Romania.

  2. qoznyyy said:

    Can play soldier, have ~780hours played

  3. slond said:

    Can play heavy, good skill; know good soldier

  4. JanSGNm: (League Admin) - |FV| said:

    Can play solly/scout/med. They say my english is Borat-like but understandable. :D

  5. Wigbii said:

    Could play Soldier. Preferably main. 150+ hours on the class. Fluent English. Previous experience with 6’s and Highlander.

  6. _KastA_ said:

    I can play med or sniper, preferably med. 660 hrs.


  7. HolunderPudding said:

    I can play Medic.Fluent English,experience with highlander/6’es lobbies.

  8. Spu: [THH] said:

    Can Play soldier/Medic Speak very good english ~600+ Hours with This account +My old account

  9. SimsTheSlayer: E-Boy | said:

    can play engie 890 ours and 45 lobbies on tf2center is it a sub or main you need?

  10. Mosl: -DuDe- - BDF said:

    2100h of tf2, most of it as soldier and pyro
    can take every sub-spot, except spy and sniper
    21 years old, got a mic, skype and mumble
    no comp experience but 100+ lobbies

  11. AMPER said:

    med merc

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