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Soldier  Div 2 Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Chewid

Posted: | Last Online:

ugc and etf2l

looking for another plat team after i ended up with pretty much the best / 2nd best stats of any soldier in plat in season 11 despite our team doing pretty badly, i'd rather not type a whole lot here and instead i'd like to trial with you / have you add me for more information.

free most evenings from around 7 cet onwards

i'm perfectly happy with a sub spot and may be able to even sub scout and demo on top of soldier if you're desperate


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:51056086 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left England [National Highlander Team] cloudy
Left Drop [6v6] Chewid
Joined Drop [6v6] piotrek63
Left AND WE'RE JAVERT [6v6 Fun Team] Chewid
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Chewid
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] JoeN
Left Strong Opinions [Highlander] Chewid
Joined Strong Opinions [Highlander] cloudy
Joined AND WE'RE JAVERT [6v6 Fun Team] RTC
Left Shape Shifters [2v2] Chewid
Joined England [National Highlander Team] Hildreth
Left TURNUP [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Joined TURNUP [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left The Amusement Club [6v6] kid_alt
Joined The Amusement Club [6v6] Condawg
Left Night Wolves [6v6] Chewid
Joined Night Wolves [6v6] Zodiak
Left MAFIA [6v6] Chewid
Joined MAFIA [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left Dude Nice [6v6] Chewid
Joined Dude Nice [6v6] Menty
Left MAFIA [6v6] Chewid
Left Moe moe Kyuuuun :3 [Highlander] Menty
Joined Shape Shifters [2v2] korbb
Joined Moe moe Kyuuuun :3 [Highlander] Menty
Joined MAFIA [6v6] korbb
Left Emotional Boys 2001 [6v6 Fun Team] Chewid
Left curly brace yourself [1v1] Chewid
Left Shape Shifters [2v2] Chewid
Left Sailors ♡ [6v6] Chewid
Left e.v8 eSports [Highlander] Chewid
Joined e.v8 eSports [Highlander] fiend
Left The Banter Brigade [Highlander] Chewid
Joined The Banter Brigade [Highlander] Chewid
Left Blistered Shiver [Highlander] Chewid
Joined Emotional Boys 2001 [6v6 Fun Team] fiend
Joined curly brace yourself [1v1] Chewid
Joined Sailors ♡ [6v6] scatmo
Joined Blistered Shiver [Highlander] Menty
Left Onee-Chan sponsored by Kawaii E-Sports [6v6] Chewid
Left Yes Future [Highlander] Chewid
Joined Yes Future [Highlander] Hajdzik
Joined Onee-Chan sponsored by Kawaii E-Sports [6v6] Menty
Left sit down trader [6v6] Chewid
Joined sit down trader [6v6] svins
Left Dogebears - LethalZone [Highlander] Chewid
Left Baguette! Sponsored by Promethium Gaming [6v6] Chewid
Joined Dogebears - LethalZone [Highlander] Solitude
Left Dogebears - LethalZone [Highlander] Popcorp
Joined Dogebears - LethalZone [Highlander] Popcorp
Left Looking for Troubles [Highlander] Jonaz
Joined Looking for Troubles [Highlander] Jonaz
Left TheBahnhofs [Highlander] Chewid
Joined Shape Shifters [2v2] Chewid
Left Robeomega [1v1] Chewid
Joined TheBahnhofs [Highlander] Chewid
Joined Robeomega [1v1] Chewid
Joined Baguette! Sponsored by Promethium Gaming [6v6] Chewid
Left Baguette! Sponsored by Promethium Gaming [6v6] Chewid
Joined Baguette! Sponsored by Promethium Gaming [6v6] Chewid

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem 24 1099
View High/Prem 9 801
View Div 2 6 426
View Div 2 2 279
View Prem/Div 1 13 1178
View Div 1 11 446
View Div 2 3 319
View Div 2/Div 3 0 334
View Div 4 3 382
View Div 3 6 517
View Div 3/Div 4 16 532
View Div 3 9 724


  1. roban: :-) said:

    chewids comms in nutshell

  2. Solitude' said:

    A really good solly and an enjoyable person overall, would airblast to extinguish him

  3. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    cute weeaboo
    Also really good at videogames

  4. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    love you all

  5. Popcorp said:


  6. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:

    medic is kill ;)

  7. Seksy: :-) said:

    mge nerd

  8. profix: FLANK said:


  9. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    woah that song has the exact same rhythm as one of the first tracks in touhou 12.8

    also thanks guys

  10. turkuaz said:

    looks pretty decent in hl , dont know about 6s but i bet he is good at it though

  11. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    thanks turk <33

  12. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Good DM, is probably a beast pocket

  13. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    i’d totally be open for a spot in chess if you wanna hit me up

    thanks though scissors <3

  14. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    *obvious bump*

  15. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    killed him twice with the direct hit still love you

  16. Condawg: DTR said:

    i luv dis guy t0

  17. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    thanks condawg and mente-chan (again)


  18. nevier: (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    great player but he roster jumps pretty much everytime. not a 100% reliable person to have in your team.

  19. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    thanks nevier! i only left LfT mid season to play in plat and that’s the only occasion i’ve roster jumped, but take that as you will- i dont want to start any arguments

  20. mrwhizz said:

    good @ MGE

  21. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    stiiill lookin

  22. FonexiA said:

    mge nerd
    he also speaks rus))

  23. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    Almost won against him on mge
    Step it up

  24. Popcorp said:

    ragequitted vs me on mge and called me a faggot
    Chewid aka Chew Weed (Drotalion) aka Chew Eye Dee (Ruwin)
    Div 2)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  25. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    poopcorn fite me agen i wil rek u (balistic nife ax scope only)

  26. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Best Medic kill bind eu. Seemed to know his Job (:

  27. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    stinson <3

  28. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    oh this is still open

  29. Splinter said:

    -rep scamd me out of $420 unusual, also suffers from the downs and has autism etc etc. would happily put on div 9 team as sub heavy 10.3/10