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Pyro  Div 3 Skill, Highlander

Norway Duwahkeen

Posted: | Last Online:

Alright, I'm still homeless, and if this continues, I'll be available to merc.

If you have to know…

– 3500~ hours in the game…
– 1200~ hours as Pyro
– 400~ hours as Soldier
– 300~ hours as Sniper
– 200~ hours as Scout
– 150 hours as Medic

I'm looking for a back-up spot, mainly because I don't get a whole lot of time to play this season as a main.
If I find the right team, I can probably go as high as division 2, but I highly doubt I'll get that far.

Anyway, that's for Pyro… I can do div 4/5 as Soldier and Medic, and possibly 5/6 with Scout and Sniper. The other classes are at a division 6 level.
I do not mind to play in division 4 as a Pyro sub, just in case you're wondering.


[Last edited: 16.03.2014]

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:98870537 Add Friend

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Left make-bong [6v6] Noah
Joined make-bong [6v6] Crocling
Left make-bong [6v6] Crocling
Joined make-bong [6v6] Crocling
Left Ranida [Highlander] Duwahkeen
Joined Ranida [Highlander] adam
Left Good Enough [Highlander] Twisted
Joined Good Enough [Highlander] Larath
Left Gun Art [Highlander] Duwahkeen
Joined Gun Art [Highlander] Yuval
Left United Engie Cows Memorial [6v6 Fun Team] Duwahkeen
Left Retired Tryhards [Highlander] Duwahkeen
Joined Retired Tryhards [Highlander] BC
Joined United Engie Cows Memorial [6v6 Fun Team] Spycy
Left Cold Fusion [Highlander] Duwahkeen
Joined Cold Fusion [Highlander] Spade
Left Ununited Engie Cows [Highlander] Duwahkeen
Joined Ununited Engie Cows [Highlander] Duwahkeen

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View Div 3 4 404
View Div 4/Div 5 8 322
View Div 4/Div 5 16 516


  1. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    beat sprayer in mge/10

  2. Max: Fusion said:

    Join Blistered Shiver maybe?

  3. sinr said:

    she good!

  4. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    It actually happened.


  5. ReseF: 2MNYCHDS said:

    If she would use a mic maybe?

  6. TJB said:

    Nice person to talk to, hardly seen her play recently though

    gl :)

  7. Duwahkeen said:

    I haven’t really played any competitive (lobbies, centers etc.) for some time now due to lack of confidence and, most importantly, time. And for some reason I just enjoy it less than before.
    Right now I’m just lurking around on pubs and worse…
    Yeah, this is a bump post. :]

  8. Ace said:

    SOMEONE GIVE HER A HOME ALREADY, poor homeless pyro
    Has my seal of approval, best of luck!

  9. Duwahkeen said:

    I still haven’t got a home yet.
    And I’d appreciate a div4 spot as well, I don’t mind that.
    (bump :>)

  10. Max: Fusion said:

    I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t be confident on tf2center lol.

  11. Solitude said:

    is a good pyro has been improving a lot! deserves a home.

  12. sinr said:

    That’s extremely easy, Lulu, considering the attitude and general way of treating other players there.

  13. Duwahkeen said:

    It’s not exactly nice to be called a shit Pyro on a bad day, now is it. :]

  14. Max: Fusion said:

    Yeah but tf2center is full of man-childs who has 0 gamesense, maybe some dm and shit positioning.

    TF2center is still not worth it tho. Its really hard to find a balanced good game.

    Why don’t you try #tf2.mix.euhl?

  15. Duwahkeen said:

    Maybe I will try that at some point. We’ll see.

    Oh well… Off I hunt for another team!

  16. sinr said:

    welcome to the club, Andwe, just practice and work your confidence up to show the idiots wrong.

  17. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    What idiots? Nobody has said anything negative, stop victimizing yourselves rofl.

    On topic though, she actually seems fairly good at the game.

  18. BoneSponge said:

    scissors logic police

  19. sinr said:

    rofl bonesponge kissing scissors ass though

  20. Duwahkeen said:

    If I don’t find any team though, I’ll be free to merc most of the time in the season.

  21. Unii: Kh. said:

    Just a random bump from a random person. Goodluck finding a team! ^o^

  22. Duwahkeen said:

    Edited the post, much more detailed than the last version…

  23. sinr said:

    Seems like one of the few ladies who does not have any haters. Andrea is always nice and friendly when you talk to her. On top of her lovely polite personality, she’s got good DM, positioning and she knows what to do.

  24. Duwahkeen said:

    Unfortunately you’re wrong there, Klaudia. I do have a few haters, but I won’t mention them.
    Besides, I might get more of them if I pick names :]

  25. Suspicious Scout said:

    Rekt me pyro v pyro and solly in mge :c

  26. Duwahkeen said:

    I rek u in sniper v sniper as well.
    No, I’m not good at it. >.>

  27. GardenFungus: SDCK! said:

    such a beast pyro, much love <3

  28. Duwahkeen said:

    I’m definitely not going to find any team soon. :I
    Losing much faith, thanks for all your positive feedback though. <3

  29. antso the helper said:

    Hope you will find a team though, you deserve it. :/