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ScoutSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Germany bloodcake

Posted: | Last Online:

I have mad skillz at videogames.
I hate a lot of people and they hate me.
Im usually toxic as fuk to players I don't know.
I won D6 as roamer.
I actually don't even like cakes.
I do mge all day.
I love off-classing in non official games.
I don't always suck at TF2, but when i do, I don't.
I hate memes.
I might be the best TF2 player of all time :/

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:83607874 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left rip bleu 2010-2015 [6v6] Peter
Joined rip bleu 2010-2015 [6v6] Peter
Left team in a shellnut [6v6] bloodcake
Joined team in a shellnut [6v6] bloodcake
Left Polygon Pirates [6v6] bloodcake
Joined Polygon Pirates [6v6] Rasomaru
Left hyperdead.tf [6v6] Peter
Joined hyperdead.tf [6v6] bloodcake

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  1. Max: Fusion said:

    Always proves me how bad I am at soldier whenever I mge him.

    2stronk for d6 pick him up for d5 NAO

  2. peezy said:

    cool guy worth a pick up

  3. Peter said:

    mge strats

  4. Tseini: Damn! - 2MNYCHDS said:

    Best youtube commenter EU

  5. Solid: who is? - itsallgood said:

    shit at mge 8)

  6. PaRa said:


  7. Bondskanselier said:

    Carrier my awful team in a scrim do pick up

  8. bloodcake said:

    Solid op pls nerf

  9. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Told me he’s not d6, that he mained medic and that he rarely MGE’s. One rec post to expose it all.
    Liars go to hell, you know.

    Better than me in MGE, good luck in your search!

  10. bloodcake said:

    actually I still main medic and I do not play mge that often also I wanted to play other classes aswell so whats the problem?

  11. Ggamefreak22 said:

    His real place is lurking at youtube videos and writing nasty youtube comments

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