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Scout  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

European Qube

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey everyone I'm looking for a team with nice people between divisions 4-2.
Although I would say I'm div 3
Any div 2 teams wanting to give me the chance would be cool and appreciated

Hit me up cya

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:158963646 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Qube [1v1] Qube
Left UCAP eSports [6v6] Lokter
Joined UCAP eSports [6v6] Lokter
Joined ManTouchéd is Bad [Highlander] Lyrete

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2/Div 3 34 1632
View Div 5/Div 6 0 208


  1. Beetle said:

    good guy scout, gl! =)

  2. CeeJaey: (The MvM Guy) - :think: - S-O said:

    Really nice guy, very good scout! :)

  3. T0m: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    nice guy, good scout. glgl.

  4. raiku: STR said:

    Nice guy and seems quite keen.

  5. HBFS said:

    Beast scout. And one of the few scouts with good gamesense. Really rare these days.

  6. Qube: mib* said:

    Thank you all for the kind words ^^

  7. profix: FLANK said:

    Why did you get kicked from UCAP?

    Decent DM from what I’ve seen. GL!

  8. MR.SVINS: alus - P.O.P said:


  9. Qube: mib* said:

    Profix and all the other people that are curious what happend, hit me up on steam and I could tell you the story :) !
    @Svins lel ^^

  10. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Can handle div 3 for sure, played well when we scrimmed ucap.

    Also im adding you on steam to hear the story..

  11. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    lol kicked

  12. Qube: mib* said:

    If you think so ;)

  13. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    i can prove it

  14. Qube: mib* said:

    Good for you ^^

  15. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    good scout with some rough edges. i’d work on consistency and find some people you like playing with

  16. Qube: mib* said:

    I will fraac, thanks for the support, gl for you too.

  17. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    Bump ’cause good player, also I want to say more:

    As you go from d4 to d2 the value of dm decreases relative to the value of playing smart. ‘Smart’ for a scout just means staying alive, providing information, and capping wherever possible. If you go 15-25 in tough games then your team basically can’t win, but if you tighten up and go 15-15, it may feel like you’re doing nothing, but the simple fact of having a scout alive has a HUGE effect on gameplay, e.g., 9-14 scout wins game with 13 caps. Turn your 15-25s into 15-15s. The 30-15 games don’t teach you how to play in d2. Honestly, I’d play with Peign, if you can avoid annoying each other, he’s about the best at this level.

  18. Night said:

    Nice mge flaming skill =)

  19. Cckwzrd: who is? said:

    yea being a div 2 scout is just about capping

  20. dob: \V/ Gold - CGAY&BB said:

    I mean look at RpL aka the godfather of capping and bodyshotting.
    He played div 2 before :D

  21. raiku: STR said:

    ‘yea being a div 2 scout is just about capping’

    My playstyle has been figured out oh noes

    hue hue bumpo

  22. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    “yea being a div 2 scout is just about capping”

    If you got that from what I wrote you have brain damage. My advice is specific to Qube’s current weakness.

  23. Qube: mib* said:

    Thanks guys for the help, but those are basics and I will keep practicing on it fraac, thanks anyway, but please guys don’t start a fight here. Steam excists ;)

  24. Cckwzrd: who is? said:

    If you go 15-25 in tough games then your team basically can’t win, e.g., 9-14 scout wins game with 13 caps
    cant cap without kill?

    anyways gl Qube, son of Cube and Quba :)

  25. Qube: mib* said:

    Hahahahaha Quba and Cube, I see what you did there :D Thanks :)

  26. Kemor said:

    There is only one cube

  27. Qube: mib* said:

    No shit sherlock ^

  28. Qube: mib* said:

    Btw fraac, I never played with Peign together, can’t tell you how we’ll play together as duo

  29. Qube: mib* said:


  30. Qube: mib* said:


  31. Qube: mib* said:

    bump bump

  32. MR.SVINS: alus - P.O.P said:

    Add me for hardcore div mixes and for mge. I want to see what youre made of, wannabe.

  33. Qube: mib* said:

    I don’t MGE as scout, it’s boring and you just have to push a-d as fast as you can, I could do soldier instead, what could be fun (:

  34. Qube: mib* said:


  35. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    y is no one from ucap recommending you?

  36. Qube: mib* said:

    turkuaz: UCAP. – MPD said:
    January 25th, 2014 at 00:35

    just played at once , was really good to play . not sure about d2 but ofc top d3

  37. cribbe: TC said:

    He added a leader of my team for a trial and deleted him when we wouldn’t trial him immediately as we already had a trial scheduled. Strange.

    But best of luck to you nonetheless.

  38. Qube: mib* said:

    Exo, talk with Nyzza, see you soon.

  39. Qube: mib* said:

    still bumping

  40. Qube: mib* said:


  41. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    and also i am going to post this here little boi ; You think you are in the level of div2-4 because you have a mentor, no, you’re not. You didn’t play any actual proper games, you always rage, whine, and complain when someone does something bad. Your behaviour is the worst thing in the universe, I mean it, literally. So please, you are the last guy who was to both talk about me and raging.And plus please dont swear to guy in UCAP there are pretty nice ppl♥♥

  42. Qube: mib* said:

    hey shittalker hex I cba to read your hating shit above ^ But anyway gl bad div 5 soldier, cu in tf2 around ;)

  43. sinr said:

    You don’t handle negative posts very well, your reaction just makes you look bad :3

  44. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    y u heff 2 be matt ? its only a game bro chill out ! :) and a get a life imo :>

  45. TJB said:

    Called me a faggot because of a tag rofl

  46. Qube: mib* said:

    Hey klaudia are you the gf of hex? I love you too, now get off my rec post , love you klaudia gl in finding a proper team :* <3
    And tjb I never would insult you because or mean it in a bad way, I love fnx people

  47. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    plays dm 24/7 and tells other people to leave the server just because they miss a rocket or two
    he might be good in the dm skills but his personallity fucking sucks

  48. sinr said:

    Holy cow.
    Can’t you just chill and stop taking everyshit as a personal attack?
    I didn’t even protect h3x, I didn’t even mention his fucking name. All I said was calm the hell down. No wonder you have such a horrible reputation. Mother of god, overreact much?

  49. Qube: mib* said:

    I never said to anyone to leave a server rofl, nice try ^

  50. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    ^ +rep

  51. sinr said:

    Oh god this gave me cancer, you need loads of luck to find a team with that terrible attitude
    i’m out before my brain starts shrinking

  52. Qube: mib* said:

    and hex are you going to stay 24/7 on my rec post? Blame yourself about your skills and don’t call klaudia to help you, a girl that stands in front of you, cute :D Now get out, thanks bye and gl finding a team in div 4/5

  53. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    qube,i played in huhy’s dm with you and your nickname was tonppa with kappa avatar
    i located your profile

    man telling people to leave a fucking dm server is sad,stop being such a tryhard

  54. sinr said:

    Get out? Who the fuck do you think are..?
    Get your fat ass down on earth and start opening your eyes and think about how you talk to other people you damn jerk.
    I came here by my self, I can call out a complete twat when I see one.

  55. Qube: mib* said:

    I didn’t play in huhy’s DM server this week, I only was at wantedGOV and tryhard :) nice try again. And Klaudia I’m not fat ^^ Please leave, don’t make a huge shit out of yourself, bye

  56. sinr said:

    Up yours.

  57. TJB said:

    okay nvm it was all in jest

    disregard my comment:D

  58. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    was d5/6 scout http://etf2l.org/recruitment/178449/
    and now aiming d2-3 http://etf2l.org/recruitment/178652/

    well from d6 to d2 in 5 days?
    instead of listening to people why do you rage? Qube listen be mature or try to act like it. -.- You Wont Lose anything with being a good guy/ i am out

  59. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    that was huhys dm,8 slots
    this denial lol
    nice try?im not a guy that will randomly insult you with no reason
    you really try that hard in dm so badly that you actually tell people to leave the server because they missed a rocket.that is really sad.

  60. Qube: mib* said:

    Oh god hex stfu please I’m going to close this rec post, don’t wanna read more shit about a turkish kebab donor getting mad, go play with your team in div 4, bye

  61. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    Much skillpolice.