ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Sherb ⑨

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey there, I’m Sherb.

I’m looking for a spot as a div5/6 Roamer for ETF2L.

A bit about me:
I am natively English and 21 years old. I also enjoy video games.
I’m a lively person, once I get to know you. Joking and banter come quite naturally to me when talking with close friends. I’m open about my opinions and don’t sugar coat any criticism, in return I accept all criticism and always aim to improve my play.

My competitive history:
I’ve played TF2 competitively for about 2 years now. I’ve played up to div4/Gold Highlander and have played Div6 6’s. I frequent(ed) TF2lobby and now TF2center, and I have become pretty confident in talking to strangers in Mumble now, which will help in the early days/trialling for the team. I have merc’d for div5/4 teams as roamer and performed competently.
I also played in Wireplay for a couple of seasons and currently sub Soldier/Scout for a 4v4 team.
(It’s important to note that my Highlander team will take priority for me, however we’re not playing/scrimming much until next ETF2L HL season).

How I play:
I play quite a passive-aggressive roamer style. In that I can aggressively bomb and deal damage if needed to, but I am also comfortable passively watching flanks and spamming. My weakest point is probably my 1v1 (MGE style) Soldier fights. I’m working hard on my 1v1 though.
I listen to comms and try to keep my own comms to a minimum, except for calling flanks/damage/kills and when I’m going in.
I can also offclass to Sniper/Pyro rather well, and I am capable of looking at people as Heavy.

What I feel I can bring to a team:
I have a strong sense of camaraderie and I am always willing to discuss my own and others’ play. I am free every day for scrims (after 7CET, I work full time) except for the occasional weekend, which I will always keep my team updated on.
Oh and I own a Mumble server which the team can feel free to use, should they not yet own one.

What I want from the team:
A group of people I enjoy playing video games with. That's all I really care about.

Feel free to add me for trials (or even to just merc) and I’m always free to talk.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:70994583 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Blistered Shiver [Highlander] TwoKinds
Joined Blistered Shiver [Highlander] TwoKinds
Left Blistered Shiver [Highlander] foungi
Left gg we lose [6v6] Mogomaki
Joined gg we lose [6v6] Sherb ⑨
Left We dont need a name [6v6] Valeria
Joined We dont need a name [6v6] Sherb ⑨
Joined Blistered Shiver [Highlander] Sherb ⑨
Left Grabbin Pills [6v6] Sherb ⑨
Joined Grabbin Pills [6v6] Sherb ⑨
Left Grabbin'Pills [6v6] Sherb ⑨
Joined Grabbin'Pills [6v6] Sherb ⑨
Left BUTTHEADZ [Highlander] Sherb ⑨
Left Grabbin' Pills [6v6] Sherb ⑨
Joined Grabbin' Pills [6v6] Sherb ⑨
Left WonderBolts [6v6] Sherb ⑨
Joined WonderBolts [6v6] Sherb ⑨
Left Dirk Gently's holistic detective agency [6v6] Sherb ⑨
Joined Dirk Gently's holistic detective agency [6v6] Sherb ⑨
Joined BUTTHEADZ [Highlander] Sherb ⑨

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  1. TwoKinds said:

    A nice and great dude to be with!

  2. foungi: 0fo - 0FO said:

    nice and solid soldier with good gamesense and meta knowledge, very good at striking at just the right time!

  3. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    Go huge babe

  4. BoneSponge said:

    I like his nose

  5. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Likes to formulate ;)

    havent played much with him (are we scrimming some time btw? :P ) but is a good guy and keen!

  6. Raelyn said:

    A very good friend and it really doesn’t get more honest than it does in his recruitment post tbh. He’ll dedicate time to improve, be open to critique and giving it bluntly, and just being an overall helpful and friendly guy wanting to support his team. Give this guy a shot and he’ll give you his all.

  7. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    pick this nineball up

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