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Medic  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom miu drops

Posted: | Last Online:

6s is preferred but i don't mind playing highlander too.
can play ~3 days/week on 20 cet onwards.

I'm an friendly guy that never rage and I expect you the same.
i played quite a few div2-3 mixes also did a season of div4 and overall i felt comfortable, if you still care about my experience you can check out either my steam profile or youtube channel, feel free to shoot me some comments, cheers.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:37795179 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Super Dickmanns LEGENDS! [6v6 Fun Team] anni
Left Voodooh [Highlander] miu drops
Joined Voodooh [Highlander] Snooki
Left China [National 6v6 Team] miu drops
Left Voodooh [Highlander] Snooki
Left Dank Dugongs [6v6] miu drops
Joined Dank Dugongs [6v6] Spade
Joined Voodooh [Highlander] anni
Joined China [National 6v6 Team] Switch
Left Get over yourself.. [6v6] miu drops
Joined Get over yourself.. [6v6] Lucky
Left Elites Alliance [6v6] miu drops
Joined Elites Alliance [6v6] miu drops
Left The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] miu drops
Left Sad Men [6v6] miu drops
Joined Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz
Left No more tf2 [6v6] miu drops
Joined No more tf2 [6v6] GBD
Joined The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] blooztah
Left Fuck Me Tenderly [6v6] miu drops
Left The Joke's On Us [Highlander] miu drops
Joined Fuck Me Tenderly [6v6] miu drops
Joined The Joke's On Us [Highlander] miu drops

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3 13 685
View Div 2/Div 3 14 1051
View Div 3 7 794


  1. turkuaz said:

    best bro ever, sadly our team project didnt go well but hope you good luck bro, knows his shit.

  2. Wulf: GOALstar said:


  3. MR.SVINS: alus - P.O.P said:

    girl nickname

  4. Kaneco said:

    very experienced medic and most of all, very calm :) loved to be his pocket last season!

    Easily capable of div3

  5. Switch: soL. - T⑨ said:

    Good mechanics, can surf well and be annoying.

  6. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    Sick medic and also fun to chat with glllll <33

  7. sinr said:

    ….. ___//___?____\________

    good, confident, strong player

  8. miu drops said:

    thank you guys ^^

  9. turkuaz said:

    give a good home to my boi , he is my medic but still GIVE HIM A HOME

  10. BoneSponge said:

    sexy asian, knows what he doin

  11. miu drops said:


  12. TWEEKARN\: ez-sports.ru said:

    what svins said

    thought u were a girl

  13. miu drops said:

    I am not lol

  14. Switch: soL. - T⑨ said:

    you go gurl

  15. miu drops said:

    bumping again!

  16. Snooki: VDOH said:

    pls pick him up – really nice guy and really good med