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Sniper  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

Russia dodo

Posted: | Last Online:


I played the whole season in div3 main sniper and realized that is not strong enough for him.
Я играл весь сезон в 3 див мейн снайпером и понял, что не достаточно силен для него.

Looking for a div6 Russian speaking team for the next etf2l season.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:74134869 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left RussianGuns [6v6] dodo
Left Just space [6v6 Fun Team] dodo
Joined Unpoppable [Highlander] maxxx.lfc
Joined Just space [6v6 Fun Team] Klefsas
Left Unpoppable [Highlander] dodo
Joined RussianGuns [6v6] maxxx.lfc
Left ne o4en [6v6] dodo
Joined Unpoppable [Highlander] maxxx.lfc
Left Unpoppable [Highlander] dodo
Joined ne o4en [6v6] olBaa
Joined Unpoppable [Highlander] maxxx.lfc
Left Nine Days [Highlander] dodo
Joined Nine Days [Highlander] Reda
Left Pushkin [Highlander] dodo
Joined Pushkin [Highlander] dodo

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2 5 316
View Div 5/Div 6 0 328
View Div 3 11 708
View Div 5/Div 6 7 513


  1. CreatiVe said:

    good player, he’s better than div 6

  2. olBaa said:

    Can handle div6 with one eye closed

  3. maxxx.lfc: ⇗upp⇙ said:

    пиарится как звезда советской поп эстрады, тебя забанят за див 6 :D

  4. Charizard™: kiti said:

    В ксго норм играет, а так – хз

  5. Dodo: ⇗upp⇙ said:

    ^maxxx, My level – div6.

  6. NuTRiCuLa.ก็: D925 said:

    played vs him in lobbys , normal sniper , can handle div4

  7. Carlos Kaiser said:

    Div 4/Low 3
    You are stupid to not pick him up.

  8. juju: █▄ █▄█ █▄ - Tissi said:

    what? This guy would rape hard in div5/6 for sure :D

  9. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    Lol. Someone want’s an easy time. :-)

  10. Tseini: Damn! - 2MNYCHDS said:

    div4 for sure

  11. Burn: xodijkrgoi said:

    Way better than d6, go higher bro :*

  12. olBaa said:

    on ne o4en

  13. Charizard™: kiti said:

    ne o4en’

  14. nick :(: st said:

    nice sniper ^_^

  15. m0rg said:

    3 / 4 див без проблем может играть.

  16. IM A WILDCAT said:

    Nice sniper!

  17. Klefsas: DTown - WASP said:


  18. dodo: ⇗upp⇙ said:

    Thanks for the comments.

    tf2 Inactive.