ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European Cool Cats: Green Garlic

Posted by BenBazinga: | Last Online:

It seems our search for a new pocket is coming to an end, we cannot guarantee you'll be trial after you add us now.

We're looking for a mid d5 pocket, since the pocket who played with us for the last 8 months left.

Who we are and what we offer:
-Group of 5 guys who want to have fun, but also win games
-We won d6 last season and want to do well in d5 this season
-1-3 scrims in a week, depending on how busy some of us might be
-A mumble channel and all that bullshit
-No drama, we all like each other

What we want from you:
-A thorough understanding of the 6v6 metagame
-Reasonably good DM skill
-Preferably having played one or more seasons already
-Being able to play on Fridays and some other days at around 20 CET
-An OK level of English
-Preferably under 18

Some things the team mentioned:
"He should have huge enough gonads to be confident enough to jump the medic"
"needs to know when to be quiet"
"Don't start swearing and insulting people when he's not accepted into the team"
"He shouldn't make up excuses for things"
"He doesn't hate anime"

If you think you'll fit in our team, add either Ryan http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037870053/ or me http://steamcommunity.com/id/BenBazinga/ and we'll arrange a trial as soon as possible!

Team Profile

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  1. ryan: lizard said:

    Trust me, we’re literally the biggest noobs around, join us <3

  2. Rex said:

    Nice guys. :D

  3. Toodles: Issue? - Issue! said:


    I have only got pug experience, but I am willing to learn.
    I know the basics of the 6s meta and locations on maps etc.

    I won’t flame over stuff, cos people will be busy flaming at me! =)
    Jumping meds is always an added bonus to pocketing.

    Add me for a chat, http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995485621


    P.S. fav anime is “C-the money and soul of possibility control”

  4. Avv said:

    18yo/d5/4 roam/solid d5 pocket/ anime is the shit man, still need someone add me up.

  5. Alex said:

    cool guys, definitely worth trialing for

  6. cheeseyLG: exe.tf - -Xe- said:

    good guys, fun to play with, definitely get in touch with them

  7. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Nice guys