ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Slovenia Legende

Posted by frixx: | Last Online:

Looking for roamer. We pretty much don't play div5 anymore so we are like low-mid div4 but im willing to try someone who thinks is div4 but didn't get a chance.

good CLEAR english comms
have some experience
16+ is a must!!!!! everyone in a team is over 20 so no 13,14 year olds. I expect a 17 y/o to be mature enough
be active – also very important

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  1. Evowarrior5: UbeR | said:


    I have been getting more and more fired up to get back into comp. Unfortunately I have little solid experience in 6v6 teams and next to no seasons played there. My main experience lies in Highlander – I played div 2 from begin 2013 ’till May as Soldier for Raw Deal.

    My English is good, and you can always expect me to comm well. My DM is pretty good, sometimes a bit shaky in-game when I’m not sure what to focus on. I need to get back into the scene a bit and get used to the feel, so I am looking for a team that can help me with that; I learn pretty quickly.

    I like roaming but I am not suicidal. I mostly like to listen to where our combo is and position myself accordingly. I usually try to play very supportive and mostly go for bombs to open up a push or when I see an opportunity (or when I get asked to, of course).

    End of my novel, if you are interested you can add me. I will be up for trials after new year.


  2. Cuttlefish: 6v6 said:
