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MedicScout  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Lithuania rviens

Posted: | Last Online:

After my ISP decided to finally fix my internet, I think I can start playing vidya again. Also exams are near the end so why not.

Fluent English
Positive attitude
Will not main-call, unless given time to adapt
Prefer scout over medic

Established or nearly established teams with a clear goal would be a huge bonus. New projects tend to fail or get into divisions they never wanted to play in, meaning that some people might be unhappy with that and leave or just not try as hard.

Contact on STEAM or mIRC Quakenet (rviens) #tf.wars; #vanillatv, #mpuktf2.pickup2
Sunday – Thursday 20CET onwards is OK, I don't really have a clear sleep schedule.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:43187526 Add Friend

Team History

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Left Lithuania [National 6v6 Team] NeuTronas
Left eksdee [6v6] rviens
Joined eksdee [6v6] rviens
Joined Lithuania [National 6v6 Team] huhystah
Left the most latvian you can't get [1v1] rviens
Left YoYoDick [2v2] rviens
Left Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] rviens
Joined Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] Herr_P
Left REVERTO [6v6] rviens
Joined the most latvian you can't get [1v1] rviens
Joined REVERTO [6v6] BaR
Left team Tolerance [6v6] rviens
Joined team Tolerance [6v6] rviens
Left Kno i Horn [6v6] rviens
Left Lithuania [National Highlander Team] rviens
Joined Lithuania [National Highlander Team] rviens
Joined Kno i Horn [6v6] rviens
Left Fierce! [6v6] rviens
Left Mr. Wong's Fair Spirits [Highlander] Flood
Left ALBERT [6v6 Fun Team] nyx
Joined Fierce! [6v6] rviens
Left Electric Light Orchestra [6v6] rviens
Joined Electric Light Orchestra [6v6] rviens
Left Fierce! [6v6] rviens
Joined Fierce! [6v6] rviens
Joined YoYoDick [2v2] rviens
Left Un nom [6v6] rviens
Joined Mr. Wong's Fair Spirits [Highlander] rviens
Joined Un nom [6v6] rviens
Left Cash Money Haters [6v6] CUBE
Joined Cash Money Haters [6v6] rviens
Left Indica [6v6] rviens
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Left polak and muchachos [6v6] deli
Joined polak and muchachos [6v6] rviens
Left polak and muchachos [6v6] rviens
Joined polak and muchachos [6v6] rviens
Left polak and muchachos [6v6] rviens
Left 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] rviens
Left Tardus+Sideshow= best internets eu [6v6 Fun Team] rviens
Joined polak and muchachos [6v6] rviens
Left Un nom [6v6] Kaylus
Joined Un nom [6v6] rviens
Joined Tardus+Sideshow= best internets eu [6v6 Fun Team] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Left Brave bulging buoyant clairvoyants [6v6] rviens
Joined Brave bulging buoyant clairvoyants [6v6] Dadamnphreaknoizphun
Joined 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Left kpA|*Black [6v6] rviens
Joined kpA|*Black [6v6] Insane Aug

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 1 6 532
View Div 1 3 512
View Div 1 2 368
View Div 1/Div 2 9 906
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View Div 1/Div 2 12 944
View Div 1/Div 2 1 362
View Div 2 4 338
View Div 2 13 502
View Div 2 24 1009
View Div 2 14 541
View Div 2/Div 3 19 822
View Div 3 5 389
View Div 3/Div 4 8 502
View Div 3/Div 4 0 198
View Div 3/Div 4 3 399


  1. Setsul: 50829 said:

    It’s quakenet not mIRC goddamit.

  2. rviens said:

    Woops, forgot to add that

  3. Setsul: 50829 said:

    mIRC is a program, IRC is the word you are looking for.
    Quakenet is a IRC server/network so you don’t have to call it quakenet IRC, just quakenet is enough.

    Yes, I’m bored, so free bumps for you.

  4. Hank: FAINT said:

    a total faggot <3

  5. fl1p said:

    good scout, gl

  6. rviens said:

    I know what all of that, it’s just the most commonly used program is mIRC and rarely do people use other programs… Anywho doesn’t really make a difference at all.

  7. mrwhizz said:

    0/10 Folded KiH with Bulle

    would not bang again

  8. screwB said:

    sum day we will become little girls and then have hot loli yuri sexy times together

    10/10 would fuck

  9. Herr_P: .:[aAa]:. said:

    10/10 would fuck @lan

  10. Slliter said:

    krc zajebis pacan very okey gud dota pleyer so if you go dota 2 party lan you pick him for tf2 hi’s okey pick him for tem and you best team murica

  11. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    get him so me and sideshow don’t have to keep carrying him in csgo pls

  12. huhystah said:

    stfu Permzilla i’m an idiot

  13. huhystah said:

    To stay on the topic, this guy can definitely handle le div 1.

  14. huhystah said:

    Permzilla is definitely a …great… head admin YE CMON

  15. huhystah said:


  16. hawku: AYO said:

    rviens is the most guy

  17. Slliter said:

    10/10 jibal evo

  18. Elas_Aviete said:

    ‘After my ISP decided to finally fix my internet, I think I can start playing vidya again. Also exams are near the end so why not.’
    He doesn’t have internet, not he goes to any schooling institution, since he has serious mental issues. So yeah, the exam part is all made up as well.

    -Fluent English
    Yes, for a 5 yeard old Somalian baby.

    -Positive attitude
    Yes, for a 47 year old Russian miner from Syberia

    -Will not main-call, unless given time to adapt.
    Considering he is 5 yeard old Somalian baby, he needs time to grow up first.

    -Prefer scout over medic.
    He actually prefers playing ‘sosnayob’.

    ‘Established or nearly established teams with a clear goal would be a huge bonus. New projects tend to fail or get into divisions they never wanted to play in, meaning that some people might be unhappy with that and leave or just not try as hard. ‘
    His only goal is to receive anal love. Last time he ‘joined a new project’ ended up with a condom getting stuck in his anus.

    ‘Contact on STEAM or mIRC Quakenet (rviens) #tf.wars; #vanillatv, #mpuktf2.pickup2
    Sunday – Thursday 20CET onwards is OK, I don’t really have a clear sleep schedule.’
    You cannot contact him, as he is probably lost in his mind already. As in #YOLO #SWAG. He doesn’t have clear sleep schedule because mining operations might take up most of the night and he sleeps during the day and vice versa.

    All in all, 2/10.

  19. Mike: TEZC said:


  20. Mike: TEZC said:
