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ScoutSoldier  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Norway Mr. Kira

Posted: | Last Online:

My name is Mr. Kira. I'm 20 years old and live in Norway.
I speak fluent (mostly) English, so the language shouldn't be a problem :)
I'm looking for a div 2/3 team.
I can play scout at a div 3 level, maybe div 2 I'm not sure. Soldier at a div 2 level.
I can both pocket and roamer. Feel free to trial me in both of the roles.
I have both TeamSpeak and Mumble. Mumble is preferred though.
I can play most days. I have no clear schedule, but I'm mostly available during the evenings, but day-time shouldn't be a problem either.

What I want from you:
That you speak English, all of you. (Communication is gold!)
That you have Mumble or Teamspeak. (Well, let's say that you at least have a mumble that is consistent enough to use)
Feel free to add me anytime!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:33544246 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left SMEGGIES.BLACK [6v6] Mr. Kira
Left Placeholdername [Highlander] anni
Joined SMEGGIES.BLACK [6v6] anni
Left BIG JUICE [6v6] Mr. Kira
Joined Placeholdername [Highlander] anni
Joined BIG JUICE [6v6] cherryrendezvous
Left Sveins grill [6v6] Mr. Kira
Joined Sveins grill [6v6] WubY
Left ANELE Squad [6v6] Mr. Kira
Joined ANELE Squad [6v6] cherryrendezvous
Joined Norway [National Highlander Team] Yxxo
Left Norway [National Highlander Team] Yxxo
Joined Norway [National Highlander Team] polar
Left SwedishPolarBears [6v6] Mr. Kira
Joined SwedishPolarBears [6v6] Ludde
Left Aerial Vomit [6v6] Mr. Kira
Joined Aerial Vomit [6v6] Jedi(fla)master
Left AfterShock Gaming [6v6] Mr. Kira
Joined AfterShock Gaming [6v6] h3x
Left Voodooh [Highlander] Mr. Kira
Left Mr. Kira and his flock of Flowers [6v6] Mr. Kira
Joined Mr. Kira and his flock of Flowers [6v6] FLOWER
Joined Voodooh [Highlander] Jedi(fla)master
Left Chimera [6v6] Mr. Kira
Joined Chimera [6v6] Mr. Kira
Left Team Laconic #2STRONK [6v6] Mr. Kira
Joined Team Laconic #2STRONK [6v6] Mr. Kira
Left Team Doctrinal #2 [6v6] casual
Joined Team Doctrinal #2 [6v6] Mr. Kira
Left Putismagic [Highlander] Mr. Kira
Left Ideomotor Phenomenon [6v6] Mr. Kira
Joined Ideomotor Phenomenon [6v6] Mr. Kira
Left WAHAHA~ ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ [6v6] Huzzy
Joined WAHAHA~ ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ [6v6] Mr. Kira
Left APR Gaming [6v6] Mr. Kira
Left Fight da Powah [1v1] Mr. Kira
Joined Fight da Powah [1v1] Mr. Kira
Joined Putismagic [Highlander] Mr. Kira
Left APR-Highlander [Highlander] Mr. Kira
Joined APR-Highlander [Highlander] Mr. Kira
Joined APR Gaming [6v6] Mr. Kira
Left Putismagic [Highlander] Mr. Kira
Left X3M [6v6] Mr. Kira
Joined Putismagic [Highlander] MSaint
Joined X3M [6v6] Mr. Kira
Left Ignorant Bastards [6v6] Mr. Kira
Joined Ignorant Bastards [6v6] Mr. Kira

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2/Div 3 2 366
View Div 3/Div 4 1 371
View Div 3/Div 4 4 369
View Div 4/Div 5 4 288
View Div 6 5 259
View Div 6 3 251


  1. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    Cool guy,Not Raging and funny.Deserves a good home for sure . Good Luck.!

  2. yak said:

    Good at shootmania

  3. Marmite: 9 ☆ said:

    seeeiiik gamer

  4. W1nco said:


  5. turkuaz said:

    really good soldier ,enough for that divs ofc , gl man

  6. Andreas: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - DANMARK said:

    low.mid div 3 maybe

  7. Mr. Kira said:


  8. Godof said:

    Awesome soli, should do just fine in these divs :) GL m8

  9. Max: Fusion said:

    This guy saved a whole team using the battalions backup.

  10. kraghann said:

    He deserve it ! , awesome soldier ,and raped my team with the battalions backup.

  11. Max: Fusion said:

    Lets bump this for my fellow norwegian

  12. Mr. Kira said:
