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Soldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Israel ketem

Posted: | Last Online:

Ahoy, I dont have much experience with etf2l or comp. at all, thus I'm here to try and start learning more about this kind of stuff :).

My English is alright – its understandable.
I most likely don't rage at all.
I would like a team that is willing to improve and so am I. :)
I'm friendly in most cases if people are friendly to me.

So yeah, that's pretty much all of what I have to say about my self as I said I'm new to this so I dont really know what should I be saying else. Good day my dear friends.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:86070590 Add Friend

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One Comment

  1. Phnx: kZk said:

    don’t rage at all, unless someone who is better than him kills him, than if it’s on his server he would ban him “for spawn camping”.
    haha what a joke you are.