ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European 4:3 Brigade

Posted by Pom0: | Last Online:

Got a serious problem with everyone we've trialled so far, they play far too passive and they don't seem to be paying attention.

I don't care too much about sick dm, I care about being to play as a team and players that can listen. If you can listen to calls and play aggressively, then add me for a trial.

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View Div 3 9 1156
View Div 4 1 463


  1. Cam00 said:

    also also, none of that “mixed once in d4 so i’m high d4” shit. Not going to out right refuse someone that has never played d4 before, but don’t bs me, thanks

  2. Dr.Manhattan: D925 said:

    if u need scout add me

  3. ThaZimmer said:

    Interested in soldier, preferably roamer.

  4. Phnx: kZk said:


  5. Cuttlefish: 6v6 said:

    Finally someone’s taking some initiative (more initiative, anyway). Good luck! :D

  6. Cam00 said:

    Need a med and pocket mainly, have a demo, scout and roamer I’d like to put on the team (assuming they want to). Still going to trial for those slots though.

  7. Cam00 said:

    Add me on Steam please, don’t want to check the comments and add 5 people manually

  8. Mankey said:

    Added for a trial

  9. Will said:

    Good luck starting a team, it’s hard work :)

  10. basshead: mid said:


  11. MR.SVINS: alus - P.O.P said:


  12. Liko: ︻芫═一☺ - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° said:

    I’m a Medic. Added for request of trialing.

  13. Cam00 said:

    Post updated, need more roamer trials, aggressive sollies please.

  14. JohnnyZ: Sexy said:

    me – http://etf2l.org/recruitment/176489/
    trial pls

  15. Ziege: bobs said:

    gl making a team cam

  16. Cam00 said:

    Updated the recruitment post

  17. Robeomega said:

    most of the trials for these classes have been really mediocre so far. :((

  18. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    didn’t you trial for them? get yak and bass. and marez roamer superteam

  19. Cam00 said:

    Have a demoman, still need two soldiers and a medic.

  20. DamnEasy said:

    Everyone calls me too aggressive, guess ill trial ;d

  21. marez: vc - 9 ☆ said:

    what fraac said

  22. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    i was kidding. although yak is better than davidthewin

  23. Unu said:

    I’m interested in playing pocket with you guys. Holla at me.