ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScout  Div 6 Skill,

Posted by Johnny_: | Last Online:

Hello there Gents and GentleLadies!

Update on our recruitment!!
We are now looking for a Main Demo!
Especially one that is available on the weekends!

We currently have 3 solid subs already, but we need more!
Especially looking for a Demo and Soldier sub!

We are looking to train and scrim pretty much every day, so we can get ready for the new season!

If you're interested, please contact Johnny_ through steam!

To the rest of you, Stay Smashing!

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  1. Johnny_: :{D said:

    The current offer still stands! We do want you to note: THESE ARE SUB SPOTS!
    You can always try to get a main-spot by outperforming the main, but for now, it’s sub spots!

  2. Lauriitaas said:

    I main Demo/Solly. I’m willing to tryout as a demo sub :) add me!

    I’m not the most experienced in comp play, but I’ve been playing since 2008 and consider myself to be quite good.

  3. clip: ist doof said:


  4. RedJungleFowl said:

    Do the subs get to practice against/with the normal team? I am looking for competitive experience and this should be a good opportunity. Also, what times do you practice? (like the time zone)

  5. Sphinx1 said:

    I can be the sub ROAMER.I have some ping problems,but if you want to talk about this,add me.