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Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

England nibo

Posted: | Last Online:

Switching off medic to pocket. 350 hrs on medic and my solly dm is decent

Would prefer not to go below div 4 but low div 4 is fine

I learn fast and listen to calls

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:80701579 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Eerie Sprites [Highlander] Clark
Left Momentum eSports [Highlander] Dandere
Joined Momentum eSports [Highlander] Sonny Black
Left Momentum eSports [Highlander] Munky
Joined Momentum eSports [Highlander] Munky
Left Spirits in a Shell [Highlander] nibo
Joined Spirits in a Shell [Highlander] oodles
Left Virtual Λlliance [Highlander] nibo
Joined Virtual Λlliance [6v6] nibo
Left TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] St3n
Joined TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] nibo
Left Virtual Λlliance [6v6] nibo
Joined Virtual Λlliance [Highlander] nibo
Left marbled polecats [Highlander] nibo
Joined marbled polecats [Highlander] nibo
Left Spirits in a Shell [Highlander] nibo
Joined The BitchHunteRs [2v2] nibo
Joined Spirits in a Shell [Highlander] nibo
Left Virtual Λlliance [Highlander] nibo
Joined Virtual Λlliance [Highlander] nibo
Left Mild-Mannered Manatees [Highlander] nibo
Joined Virtual Λlliance [6v6] nibo
Joined Mild-Mannered Manatees [Highlander] nibo
Left Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [6v6] nibo
Left Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [Highlander] Monta
Joined Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [6v6] nibo
Left Delta xpress killers [6v6] nibo
Joined Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [Highlander] nibo
Joined Delta xpress killers [6v6] nibo

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem 9 509
View Div 4/Div 5 1 167
View Div 5/Div 6 6 338
View Div 4/Div 5 1 213
View Div 4/Div 5 7 334


  1. juan: adios said:

    has the gamesense to handle himself in the combo easily, good dm. easily capable of div 4 imo

  2. DavidTheWin: (ETF2L Donator) - BTWFC - [ᴛᴍᴍ] said:

    Proper babe, mained medic and maincalled in a decent d4 team so the gamesense is there. When he wasn’t busy keening medic he was DMing as soldier so he’s good at that too.

  3. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    was probably better than his pocket at pocket

  4. FLOWER: said:

    His soldiering is getting better really really fast! He got the gamesense and aim! Amazing guy<3

  5. Muerte: elev8 said:

    ***was better than his pocket at pocket

  6. Munky: AEUGH said:

    From the little I have seen him solly div 4 seems fair.

    He is also a really nice guy. Don’t let the fact he played with elevate fool you :D

  7. Muerte: elev8 said:

    “Don’t let the fact he played with elevate fool you :D”
    What’s that supposed to mean?!?! D:

  8. Munky: AEUGH said:

    I’m just a meanie.

  9. Uli said:


  10. SmitZ said:

    I like nibo. He’s a super cool dude.