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Pyro  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom oxocuboid

Posted: | Last Online:

–This is basically copied from my UGC recruitment post (http://www.ugcleague.com/forum/showthread.php?14485-Oxo-Cuboid-Pyro) because I'm mainly looking for a UGC team, but ETF2L is cool too :) —


You guys probably don't know me but I played for the team The Phlog Noobs. We had a promising start but due to a lot of people falling by the wayside, we split up by the end of the latest season with a fairly bad record.

You might look at my team's win/loss and instantly write me off, but I have proven to be a consistently strong independent and team player – I consistently have a good ka/d or whatever if you actually care about my ratios.

First and foremost you want a pyro that will help you win games. I think on my feet, I am calm and I am consistent.
You want a teamplayer that will contribute not just to officials, but help out with a lot of the team's needs. I'm at uni studying CS so I will struggle with organisational duties but I can help with maptalks, strategy etc.
You also want a guy you can hang around with and have a good time with. Personally, I think one of the strengths of TPN, my former team, was the spirit and bond we shared – the youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePhlogNoobs) maintained mostly by myself and a couple of others is a good indication of some of the fun we had :P

Finally, for the haterz: I genuinely think I am capable of Platinum and would really like to be able to show my skilz.

Here's the lowdown:
Name: Oxo Cuboid
Location: UK (Euro West)
Age: 18
Languages Spoken: English
Availability: Pretty much all evenings (unless otherwise engaged), a fair amount during the day
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/OxoCuboid/

EDIT: Figured you guys might actually want some stats, so here goes. I currently have 2.2k hours playing TF2 and 450+ on Pyro. I consistently die the least in officials while my contribution is still high. I'd offer logs but they don't really do much in addressing a Pyro's contribution to the game, so a video, for this willing to watch it, may be more informative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gofTRlunP5c.

Thanks for reading my wall of text, out.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:47981013 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Retired gamers club [6v6] Dragonce
Left Here for the Beer [LAN Team] oxocuboid
Left c u nice try [Highlander] oxocuboid
Left real life friends [2v2] oxocuboid
Left Resident6Sleeper [6v6] oxocuboid
Left England [National Highlander Team] cloudy
Joined c u nice try [Highlander] yak
Left A new Order of Circlejerking [6v6 Fun Team] oxocuboid
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] JoeN
Joined Resident6Sleeper [6v6] TeaKay
Left Redundant Brackets [6v6] oxocuboid
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Left Team Dirt [Highlander] oxocuboid
Joined A new Order of Circlejerking [6v6 Fun Team] Forty-Two
Joined Team Dirt [Highlander] Marv
Left Beyblade Bonanza Extravaganza [Highlander] oxocuboid
Joined Beyblade Bonanza Extravaganza [Highlander] DyaWyb
Left Actually Killed by Highlander [Highlander] oxocuboid
Joined Redundant Brackets [6v6] Forty-Two
Left DustDogs [6v6 Fun Team] oxocuboid
Left something random [6v6] oxocuboid
Joined Actually Killed by Highlander [Highlander] Aoshi
Joined Here for the Beer [LAN Team] Aoshi
Left Japan [LAN Team] oxocuboid
Joined Japan [LAN Team] caeli
Left Fam-a-LAN [LAN Team] oxocuboid
Joined something random [6v6] cherryrendezvous
Joined England [National Highlander Team] Hildreth
Left B-HAVE [6v6] Feyne
Left its Team [Highlander] Graba
Joined real life friends [2v2] oxocuboid
Joined its Team [Highlander] Graba
Joined B-HAVE [6v6] Honey Badger
Left QUALITY TIME [6v6] oxocuboid
Left sentryinsurance [Highlander] Droodl3
Joined Fam-a-LAN [LAN Team] oxocuboid
Joined sentryinsurance [Highlander] Droodl3
Left SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] oxocuboid
Joined QUALITY TIME [6v6] lgl
Joined SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] bluR-
Left Fortress Wizards [6v6] op
Joined Fortress Wizards [6v6] Droodl3
Left NICE JEWISH GUYS [6v6] oxocuboid
Joined NICE JEWISH GUYS [6v6] Droodl3
Left UKIP [Highlander] 1pt
Left 66 Degrees North [6v6] oxocuboid
Joined DustDogs [6v6 Fun Team] Shezz
Joined 66 Degrees North [6v6] Pling
Left NICE JEWISH GUYS [6v6] oxocuboid
Joined UKIP [Highlander] ach
Left 50 Shades of Nipps [Highlander] oxocuboid
Joined NICE JEWISH GUYS [6v6] Haydn
Left The Phlog Noobs [6v6] oxocuboid
Joined 50 Shades of Nipps [Highlander] oxocuboid
Joined The Phlog Noobs [6v6] oxocuboid
Left Hakeem's Pussy Patrol [Highlander] oxocuboid
Left The Phlog Noobs [6v6] hrbls
Joined Hakeem's Pussy Patrol [Highlander] oxocuboid
Left 50 Shades of Nipps [Highlander] oxocuboid
Joined 50 Shades of Nipps [Highlander] oxocuboid
Joined The Phlog Noobs [6v6] oxocuboid

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem/High 1 295
View Prem/High 2 546
View High/Prem 11 926
View High/Prem 2 760
View High/Prem 8 858
View High/Prem 24 1087
View High/Prem 3 547
View High/Prem 4 733
View Prem/Div 1 4 672
View Prem/Div 1 0 323
View Div 1/Div 2 13 770
View Div 3/Div 4 14 899
View Div 1/Div 2 4 609
View Div 2 8 639
View Div 3/Div 4 4 564
View Div 3/Div 4 19 865
View Div 2/Div 3 14 889
View Div 2/Div 3 0 318
View Div 2/Div 3 7 675
View Div 4/Div 5 4 837


  1. W1nco said:

    Really nice dude and has the potential to become even better pyro with the right team. Definitely give this guy a trial!

  2. Nafve: Pyroishard - `(OvO)´ said:

    Better than b33p. But that doesn’t say much. But still.

  3. SmitZ said:

    I’d say he wasn’t even fit for div3, but then b33p is in div1 somehow. So I guess this guy should be prem.

    Oh these are sad times for Highlander.

  4. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    What div was tpn and did you carry them?

  5. SmitZ said:

    Oh also I noticed on your stream that you play on 75 FOV. Kill yourself, or switch to 90. Either works.

  6. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:

    I most definitely play on 90 FOV, but have a 16:10 resolution, so it might look weird for those who don’t use that res. Also, telling someone to kill themselves is a little harsh, don’t you think?

  7. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    No, playing with 75 should be a crime

  8. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:

    Regardless, I -don’t- play with 75 fov.

  9. Seksy: :-) said:

    not div 2

  10. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    “My team folded, and even though I wasn’t better than the other players, I must search for a higher div regardless” -everybody

  11. Duwahkeen said:

    Why don’t you go and sub for UEC again? They don’t need me after all!

  12. Tomu: BoyBrigade - MEGA$$ said:

    Read his psot not the div hes looking for guys. You’re so mean. He wants to test his skill(z) in platinum and as we saw this season the entry level is division 4.

    I guess if you want a guy who is incapeable of understanding how numbers work, this is the guy. Division 2 and 3 are higher than 4, not lower. :)

  13. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:

    @Tomu: To be fair I’m already in a div 3 team, I am also aware of how numbers work, thanks. I figured most of the above posts were mindless trollery and blind hatred. I am in a div 3 team, I am looking for a UGC Plat team.

    I created this recruitment post because people seem to read the ETF2L recruit pages more than the UGC ones.

  14. Cobz said:

    Tomu and Scissors prem pyros xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    Oxo div 3 pyro ez

  15. Mama Medic Schwamph: dtB said:

    Great pyro who deserves a main spot. Been playing with him for quite some time and he’s very solid. :)

  16. this is evil evil said:

    Never seen you play, but you sound like a mature guy for your age, which is a rare trait coming from a higher level TF2 player. I hope you find a good team :)

    Regarding the FoV thing: I played with 70 for a long time as well, since I play in a high 16:10 Widescreen resolution. But I had to switch to 90, since there was too many kids complaining about it.

  17. nevier said:

    aren’t you this guy who banned me from a TPN server for saying that TPN is bad?

  18. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    http://tf2lobby.com/profile?id=74510 watch out div 2

  19. Tuto: 8-) said:

    I don’t know this guy, but I found this thread quite amusing :)

    What the fuck is the difference between a div 4 and a div 3 pyro lol, it’s like saying there’s a difference between an Engineer. The higher the div, the better he can build sentries?

    And considering the new divisions, anyone with a half functioning brain can play div 3

  20. ThaZimmer said:

    Also, lobbystats. Tihi. GJ scissors.

  21. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Lobby stats don’t show how good you are, they show how bad you are

  22. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:

    Holy shit this is hilarious :)

    Also, sorry I don’t tryhard in lobbies. I guess that’s the difference between div 2 and div 3.

  23. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I dunno m8, if you lose 2/3 encounters with publevel pyros while having played pyro in lobby for over 2 days time, I will weep for div 2 if you get in. Just saying.

    It’s also not my business if people care about lobbystats, just felt like posting it for those who do.

  24. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:

    If I die to a pyro (or anything?) in a pub because I’m not really paying much attention, that doesn’t make me any less div 3 level.
    If I do the same in a lobby, that’s somehow different? Pubs = Lobbies, I don’t focus in either, because non-competitive TF2 is fun, rather than something I think about.

  25. Tomu: BoyBrigade - MEGA$$ said:


    Second season in Div 1 and I don’t even play the class anymore, how many seasons in div 1 do you have?

    Also Tutorial raises a good point with the new divisions, the fact that hl has gone downhill in terms of skill level in divisons you could probably get into div 3 as a main.

    But anyways this time I’ve actually bothered to watch your POV instead of judging you on the past so here is an actual informed opinion based on the evidence you gave.

    I couldn’t get a good grasp on your dm skills but things you do need to work on for any attempt for Div 2 and if it was last season, div 3.

    Timings + positioning was probably the main one. Especially on that first point defense. You knew they were coming etc but you moved back to dispenser for not much reason and didn’t bother to go into them until after they ubered. One M2 easy defense. I can go into more detail why it is easy defense but cba. Blocking ubers and being aware of uber percentage so you’re in the right place was a problem at every point.

    You don’t move around too much and spycheck the areas and then one time you airblasted an uber once at last and then ran off after a spy which your team was dealing with rather than disrupting the enemies uber. This leads onto another point. Do you even tab to look for when the spy is alive? Or have an idea of how long it takes the spy to be in your area, or should be. This is when you alert your team and you start checking. Unless you play pyro like an autist like me and try to just dm stuff this is something you need to have as main priority.

    Ammo management ????

    On attack, again, spy checking?

    Your medic mistimed you attacking top but then you said “Don’t pop on me”. SORRY WHAT. Pyros ubers absolutely destroy 1st point defense holds if the enemy pyro is retarded and not waiting for you. I hope you said it because he mistimed it and not because its a bad thing to do.

    You like the homewrecker but why do you melee with it? You also melee’d a spy with it and that’s never a good idea, don’t take the risk when you had a shotgun with plenty of bullets.

    You played pyro really safe and didn’t die too much which I guess is good but on the other hand you didn’t accomplish much. From what I saw your team handled a good deal and the enemy team wasn’t exactly good and played really messily. But Silver, what ya gonna do.

    But I hope you read all this and don’t disregard it just because it isn’t what you want to hear. I was optimistic watching it and wanted to be proved wrong but the entire pov didn’t impress me too much to say you’re worth putting into division 2. I think it’s probably better off to stay where you are as a backup in div 3 and learn from there.

    I didn’t see if there was any dm as I said, your team did a lot for you but if this was 5CP and there was that chance you found a soldier or a scout or a engy in a 1v1 would you cope? All 3 should kill you if they’re any good but you know, people aren’t.

    Again TL;DR

    Positioning, Ammo management, Timing and I’ll just throw in calls/gamesense.

    Also for all the people, being a nice guy doesn’t make him a certain skill level.

  26. Tomu: BoyBrigade - MEGA$$ said:

    Forgot to mention in the wall, the players generally get better and more co-ordinated, thats how going up in divisions work and your play in that silver agme which is what div4/5? You’d probably get overwhelmed by the higher divisions.

  27. Python said:

    “Lobby stats don’t show how good you are, they show how bad you are”

    Scissorspyro: python has more lobbies than me
    » hahaha he is even more autistic than I am

    it also shows how autistic you are hehe

  28. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    All I am saying is, that if you are getting rekd by lobbynoobs consistently, chances are you suck. Haven’t played with this guy since steel, but as far as I remembered, he was terrible, so looked him up on lobby, and *kinda* got that confirmed. But yeah, not my choice if he get’s a team, just saying this is another sad day for hl

  29. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:


  30. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Tomu mentor me as pyro pls.

    And lobbies are serious business.

  31. Freakie: KOLAR - .awkward said:

    Judging from the video you linked, I think you should try cutting down on the unnecessary comms. Repeating stuff like “you saved my life” three or however many times, “I got a point, yay”, and other things like just repeating what others have said many times before only contributes to clogging up the comms and harming the team you would play with. I might be wrong on how bad it sounds since your mic is quite loud due to it being recorded from your computer or something along those lines, but it definitely sounds like your comms need to be worked on.

    Just my 2 cents, at least.

  32. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:

    @Tomu: Thanks for taking the time to look over at least 1 of my demos. Now that I have way more time for myself, I’ve also been looking over my recent scrims and games.
    One of the points I also instantly noticed was my ammo/hp management, and have been working on that in recent games.
    Another thing I’d like to note is that dm is the main reason I’m where I am, and strategy wasn’t really my former team’s strong points. I am capable of a high div team in terms of skill, I would need a team with pre-existing strategies to really glean that knowledge. The div 3 team I am currently scrimming with is helping to improve my overall gamesense, but obviously a team that is willing to point me in the right directions for strategy is definitely what I need.

    @Freakie: Thanks for the comm feedback – first things first, yes, the program I use to record does indeed raise my mic volume: I am actually quite quiet in most games (as, if you watch any other video, I am nowhere near as involved.)
    I would say I’ve played with TPN for over a year, and those sort of “fluff” comms were really there to raise morale – we’d had a rough first round and some of the players in the team tended to get a little “ragey” if things weren’t going their way.
    Aside from that, having been able to (as I said earlier in this post) look over my previous games more, obviously I can hear myself when normally I wouldn’t be able to, and have been working objectively on improving my team communication skills.

    I think this covers most of the relevant (non-troll) points but I am definitely open for criticism.

  33. Cobz said:

    That could have been my first if i didn’t say “No” to Flood.

  34. Tomu: BoyBrigade - MEGA$$ said:

    Oxo go watch some POVs on youtube from Huey Lewis + Fathom if you want to get an idea of strategy. It gives you an idea of both perspectives of the way Pyro can be played and the best positioning and gives you an idea of what you need to comm. I’ve even got some povs on my channel from last season but they won’t be as good as the ones from Huey + Fathom.

  35. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I’d recommend carpet’s videos if you wanna see how a true pyro plays

  36. Cobz said:

    and Candle if you wanna see sexy fragz #fanboi

  37. SmitZ said:

    “another sad day for hl”

    Oh stop it Scissors. Stop taking this gamemode even remotely seriously. Anyone who says “the skill level in hl has gone down this season” etc etc, is just wrong. Nothing has changed.

    “And considering the new divisions, anyone with a half functioning brain can play div 3”

    That’s true, but honestly this has always been the case. This game is actually really easy as long as you have a brain. It’s nice to also be mechanically good at the game, but like I said; the “skill level” hasn’t dropped at all in Highlander. Maybe there’s some teams or players playing in divisions above where you think they should be, but that doesn’t mean the general “skill level” has dropped.

    I’m genuinely interested in arguing this with someone, because I’d like to know why people seem to believe this. To me it seems like all the highly ego-driven players in the community share this opinion. They seem to think that because players from lower divisions are approaching their own division, that the general “skill level” is decreasing.

    It just baffles me. Pls explain.

  38. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:

    Thanks Tomu for the feedback, it’s genuinely refreshing to have someone actually offer something to the table than just mindlessly bash someone they’ve never met. I’ve seen some of Huey’s stuff but not recently – I’ll check them out and have a look around.
    As for the rest of this thread: ??? Not really sure what the hell this shit turned into.

  39. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    welcome to etf2l hl rec posts, have fun

  40. nevier said:

    hallo ihr süßen wollt ihr einen kuchen während ihr hier weiter diskutiert?
    ich könnte euch auch noch, da ich ja so viel höflich bin, nen paar kippen spendieren dann läuft das alles ein wenig ruhiger ab.
    calm down guys!

  41. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:


    I have a suspicion that I may think the level has dropped, because the “good” teams seemed so much better, back when I was in the lower ones. That being said, I still think oxo is terrible and nowhere near div 2, regardless of whether the level has changed or not.

  42. Tomu: BoyBrigade - MEGA$$ said:

    No problem oxo. My initial post/opinion hasn’t changed though and I do advise you looking for Division 3 and to say something like “I’m keen and want to learn” or something along those lines.

    I just thought I’d offer my opinion with actual evidence so people don’t think I’m a prick that doesn’t have any idea and just likes to talk shit on rec posts. I do put some thought into my posts and feel my opinion is still valid even if I don’t play.


    Send me an add if you genuinely want to discuss. It’s only the middle of ETF2L skill that has changed though, I think (most) of the top is ok.

  43. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:


    I figured “I’m keen and want to learn” was implied at the higher divs. Sorry to sound like an arsehole but anyone who thinks they’re “the best” and have nothing to learn should really take a step back, think about their personalities and maybe take a season out or something.

    Regardless, I’m looking for a UGC Platinum team. I have no interest in div 2 ETF2L, especially as I’m already in a div 3 team and have no plans to leave them any time soon. Also, thanks for the sentiments :)

  44. Duwahkeen said:

    “and have no plans to leave them any time soon.”
    Then why the hell do you have this post?! :D

  45. wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: e²PS said:

    Andweuh… please…

  46. Duwahkeen said:

    What? Can’t I also share my opinions? :x

    I was just watching this guy merc for UEC when their main couldn’t play… Right I was their sub, I’m sorry.
    And from what I can tell, he’s just as skilled as I am. Div 4.

    There’s also a lot of good arguments, though there’s also some I’ll disagree with, but this is not my post.
    I guess I can say good luck though, if you find a team, when you don’t have any plans to leave TPN. :3

  47. wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: e²PS said:

    He aint looking for etf2l… he is looking for ugc… that was my point nothing else…

  48. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:

    Leave TPN? TPN doesn’t exist in ETF2L HL. My current ETF2L HL team is the 50 Shades of Nipps, currently in div 3 (which incidentally is not the same Div as you) and at the top of this post, I said I’m mainly looking for a UGC team. Is said UGC team would also like to invite me to their ETF2L team, I may proceed.

    Regardless, hating on me for being asked to merc is unreasonable. If you think I played when you should have played, take that up with the people who made that decision.

  49. yak: VNC said:

    All the pyro rec threads just seem to hot up, we had that one by klaudia now this.
    The flaming in this is just incredible, I guess people are just getting hot under the collar.

    Yes, I can keep going

  50. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:


  51. Freakie: KOLAR - .awkward said:

    Pyro is serious business, surprisingly.

  52. melody: Lutunen said:

    52 posts! wow dude, and you arent even a girl :)

  53. Raelyn said:

    I can’t really comment on this dude’s ability, having not played with him a massive amount, but I do recall him having pretty decent DM. All I can really say on that.

    But in terms of personality, this dude is a class act. A really down to earth, dedicated player with a lot of commitment and friendliness. He may not be the best player, but he is definitely one that holds the team together.

    A good addition to any team and I think could handle Div 3 if he shows the dedication and commitment that he has before.

  54. R3L0X: LoL said:

    Great Pyro can hold 2/3.
    Played with him alot.

  55. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    good luck with the post dude, see if you can fend the flames :>


    i kno rite?

    wish my rec post was as hot as this, I’d actually get some bloody attention for a chance

  56. bobmus said:

    Can’t even join a simple game of MvM, jesus christ.


  57. PuzZle: Boys - GG said:

    Hahaha how did I miss this rec post..? ^.- It’s gold!