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Demoman  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Germany .s

Posted: | Last Online:


Looking for a div5 Team for next Season. Although i play very aggresive and with less Brain, i want to improve with a good team.

What do i want?
– Friendly, non ragers
– Keen, you guys should want to improve.
– Scrim like 2-3 times a week.
– able to take and give criticism

I can give you:
– Friendly and keen guy (always up for mixes, demo reviews n´ stuff)
– able to take criticism
– Pretty good DM

Catch me Up on Steam.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:92490726 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Fragging Six [6v6] .s
Joined Fragging Six [6v6] Old Shatterhand
Left glow up dinero gang [6v6] .s
Left (⊙_☉) [1v1] .s
Joined (⊙_☉) [1v1] .s
Joined glow up dinero gang [6v6] .s
Left Nice°One [6v6] .s
Left operation get scott to div5 [1v1] .s
Joined Nice°One [6v6] filterboy
Left Polygon Pirates [6v6] Peter
Joined operation get scott to div5 [1v1] .s
Joined Polygon Pirates [6v6] Rasomaru
Left Team Suspicious Candy Giveaway [6v6] .s
Joined Team Suspicious Candy Giveaway [6v6] .s
Left rip [6v6] KillAri
Joined rip [6v6] .s
Left vier ° Purple [6v6] .s
Joined vier ° Purple [6v6] .s
Left hyperdead.tf [6v6] Peter
Left zupati. Full HD [2v2] .s
Joined hyperdead.tf [6v6] .s
Left hyperdead.tf [6v6] Peter
Joined zupati. Full HD [2v2] .s
Joined hyperdead.tf [6v6] .s
Left DiscoDingos [6v6] .s
Joined DiscoDingos [6v6] .s

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Open 0 77
View Open 1 438
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View Div 5/Div 6 4 544
View Div 5/Div 6 32 901
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View Div 6 0 217


  1. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    is definetly not the most hated guy on etf2l

  2. Croyz: Sekt.tf said:

    Maaaan nix los hier unten…wo isn Moos?

  3. cube said:

    ich wollt schon immer bei der geburt von moogle dabei sein. danke.

  4. Scottylein said:

    Krass, ich bin moogle 2.0?

  5. cube said:

    nö du bist n witz mit fünkchen moogle attitüde

  6. Ninja AV£NG£R: fister ☞ - VD said:

    really good demoman trust me, i know

  7. Scottylein said:

    Aye, thanks @ Avenger

    Okayyy @ Cube

  8. S!MON: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Haters gonna hate.
    Scotties gonna Scott.

  9. Scottylein said:


  10. Peter said:

    not hate – just the reality

    scott is a dm demo, which doesnt really do have dm.
    ive been playing with him for a long time.

    left the team, let me do all of his shit.

    he did less damage than the scouts
    for example, he did 3k damage and rasomaru did 4k+ damage.
    we carried him all the way

    i dont know about you guys but if you really want a demoman that cant get his shit together, take him.

  11. BloodCake said:

    “Although i play very aggresive and with less Brain,” aka. jumping overhealed in with 3 stickies and dying to fall dmg

  12. Scottylein said:

    “left the team, let me do all of his shit.” http://puu.sh/5kBOx.png

    Yeah, i agree you carried me a bit and? People can change, i hope you know that.

    I like it ^

    Ihr seid ja mittlerweile die ELITE REC Post Hater.

  13. Peter said:

    wenn du meinst dass das was ich schreibe “hate” ist, kann ich dich nicht verstehen.

    und jetzt zu dir
    ““left the team, let me do all of his shit.” http://puu.sh/5kBOx.png
    bevor du versuchst irgendwie zu antworten, lies dir durch was ich dir sage.
    left the team, let me do all of his shit.

    SEASON 15

    und dieser japaner-chatlog hat irgendwie nichts damit zu tun was ich gesagt hab

    oh und, das ich dich gekickt hab solltest du dir denken wenn du mit “.s // quitting tf2” ankommst, du master-troll.

  14. Peter said:

    hab dich gekickt weil du das team droppen wolltest weil du nicht dein shit together bekomment hast.

    ist denk ich fast das selbe.

  15. PaRa said:

    Oh Mann, habt ihr alle Probleme, zum Glück muss ich die nicht haben. =))

  16. ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    Ich ess gleich geil Rührei zum Mittagsfrühstück.

  17. .s said:

    Vor dem Mittagsfrühstück schon auf etf2l? Läuftbeidir?

    Naja bleu, macht ruhig weiter, es hilft mir ja letztendlich nur und es interessiert außer mir eh niemanden?

  18. Goat_: bobs said:

    d5 ist echt ernst ey