ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Dragon Boned Demons(6v6)

Posted by Telepathic Ryuu: | Last Online:

Hello there!

We have crumped up a team sort of and i am searching for people to join it
I have loads of enthusiasm, and i realy want to get into it, I do have some idea
what i am doing but keep in mind if I don't know something we can always
solve that together!

What I expect from you:
1. BE REILIABLE!!!!! <——— Read this multiple times
2. Have fluent or at least decent english so we can easily understand you
3. Be enthusiastic and wiling to learn , take criticism, or even teach! :)
4. ENJOY playing, if not, where would be the fun in that?
5.Be available from 5-6GMT, 6-7Cest/CET most of the days

Searching for:

Roaming Soldier Sub
Pocket Sub
scout – 2 Scout Subs
Demoman – Sub
Medic – sub

My contacts:
Skype: daumixs
Steam: [Link]

Feel free to add and chat! :)

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  1. tuckoto: [syz] said:

    hey, I’d love to play on your team as pocket,
    add me here if you want to trial me or whatever

  2. Ryuu Tsubasa said:


  3. Ryuu Tsubasa said:


  4. yardenttal said:

    add me for scout or solly pocket or roamer

  5. Scottylein said:

    Take me!
    – Bad guy (you blocked me on steam, because you cant talk to me)
    – not keen
    – shit dm / sense

    Should be enough bby :*

  6. Ryuu Tsubasa said:


  7. Ryuu Tsubasa said:

    Searching for Subs on all Classes

  8. Ryuu Tsubasa said:

    Still sreachin’

  9. AMPER said:

    I can be medic

  10. Sphinx1 said:

    I can be the sub roamer.