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EngineerMedicPyro  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, Highlander

Germany Jesse James

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Hello dear Team Leaders, here is Dro.

I am 22 years old and I am from Germany. Visiting University, I am studying mechanical engineering.

I am looking for Main / Sub with playtime spot in a team. I have lots of competitive Highlander experience.

My main class was always Engineer. Engineer is a class, which rewards preplaning really well. Since I am a person who likes to plan and organise stuff really much, Engineer was the class best fitted to me. Despite of that, I have descent Shotgun aiming and can use RR in a descent level. I would guess my own skill level as engineer something between Div 2-3. But don't forget, an engineer is only that strong like his team :-)

Medic is also a class, where preorganisation (movement / positioning) and gamesense is much more important then aiming . Keeping eyes open and being aware both for enemies and friendly units begging for heals, is the most important part. Being an aware person, I also fit in the class of Medic in my own opinion. Truth being told, my Medic skills are not near my engineer skills, but since both classes depends on predicting and positioning, I would guess myself something between div3 and 4 as medic :-)

Pyro is a class I played rather rarely on Highlander. The couple of times I played Pyro, it was really fun and I kept the enemy soldiers and spies away from my combo. I am rather the passive Pyro who camps and searches for spy spots for enemy spies and keeping my Medic clean. I also can reflect pretty well. As Pyro, I am surely not over a skilllevel of low div3-div4

To my person, I am a pretty patient person, I am very friendly. Truth being told, every person has his limits, so do I. If someone gets over the limits of my patient, I can rage :P
Except of that, I can play guitar and I can sing, which leads to nice After / Before Gametimes ~Dro's Song time :P

Don't let you illusinate with my TF2 gameplay time :) Check my profile, have a small chat, let us meet on mumble / teamspeak :-) Neither you nor I have something to loose ;-)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:182026914 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left 30 Percent [Highlander] Permzilla
Joined 30 Percent [Highlander] MH
Left Team Team Mate [Highlander] Jesse James
Joined Team Team Mate [Highlander] Team mate
Left Doctors Of Mediocrity [Highlander] Jesse James
Joined Doctors Of Mediocrity [Highlander] DizAmbiguation
Left Dogebears - LethalZone [Highlander] Popcorp
Joined Dogebears - LethalZone [Highlander] Popcorp
Left The Hooliganz [Highlander] Jesse James
Joined The Hooliganz [Highlander] Jesse James
Left _noaim Highlander [Highlander] coskai
Joined _noaim Highlander [Highlander] Jesse James

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  1. TheJayBelmont said:

    fucking love dro

  2. Jesse James said:

    Hahaha thanks TJB

  3. Nesh said:

    should do fine

  4. Rachnus said:

    dro is a hell of a leader and an engineer, decent medic and pyro aswell, but plays best as engineer, pick him up!

  5. Anoobis said:

    guter mann!

  6. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Nice guy. probably not div3 as pyro. Good engi.

  7. Jesse James said:

    Yup, like I said, max low div3 pyro.

  8. Qnai: R6S - .awkward said:

    Excellent engineer! div2 easily. Very nice guy to chat with :) If you want a good and active engy, he’s the one!

  9. snappe: half - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    chip chap chop drob?

  10. ReseF: 2MNYCHDS said:

    Good leader, good guy, FANTASTIC VODKA!!!