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Soldier  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

England Cookeh

Posted: | Last Online:


Things weren't working out with No More Heroes in terms of progress or activity, so I decided to look elsewhere.

I have two seasons of low-d2 experience and would like a top d3 or low/mid-d2 to improve within. I'm seeking mentoring and demo reviews when I can, to improve my gamesense, which admittedly is probs ~d3. I firmly believe my dm is easily d2. I do prefer pocket (much more experience as pocket too) but I can play roam pretty reasonably – could do with a bit more work on timing but other than that…

I have had an ego in the past, which has led to a few incorrect views of me as a player by some members of the community – but this is now resolved (apologies again) and I'm looking to move forward and continue to improve and push up the divs.

One of the most important things I'm looking for, aside from activity and a drive to improve, is fun. If I'm not having fun, I don't wanna play, and I lose motivation.

tl;dr d2/3 pocket (pref) or roam – looking to improve.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:33475764 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left UCAP eSports [6v6] Cookeh
Joined UCAP eSports [6v6] Lokter
Left nervousENERGY Insanity [6v6] Cookeh
Joined nervousENERGY Insanity [6v6] Beater
Left No More Heroes [6v6] Cookeh
Joined No More Heroes [6v6] Enef
Left Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] Cookeh
Joined Feeder [1v1] Cookeh
Joined Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] Cookeh
Left SixSense [6v6] Cookeh
Joined SixSense [6v6] Cookeh
Left Doom inc. [6v6] Cookeh
Left Chior Tai [Highlander] emb
Joined Doom inc. [6v6] Cookeh
Left CiC Core [6v6] Kop
Joined Chior Tai [Highlander] Cookeh
Left Cable internet Clan [Highlander] Cookeh
Joined Cable internet Clan [Highlander] Cookeh
Left Definitive Gaming [Highlander] Lokter
Joined CiC Core [6v6] Cookeh
Left Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Cookeh
Joined Definitive Gaming [Highlander] Lokter
Joined Elite nile Gunners [6v6] WildEast
Left UCAP eSports [6v6] Lokter
Joined UCAP eSports [6v6] Lokter
Left -Lethal Force- [6v6] Cookeh
Left -Lethal Force- [2v2] Cookeh
Left Exile [Highlander] Lokter
Joined -Lethal Force- [2v2] Cookeh
Joined -Lethal Force- [6v6] Cookeh
Joined Exile [Highlander] Cookeh
Left Sponsored Casuals [6v6] Cookeh
Left Nochance [2v2] Cookeh
Joined Sponsored Casuals [6v6] Cloud
Left Like a Bawsss [6v6] Cookeh
Joined Nochance [2v2] RareSpycrab
Joined Like a Bawsss [6v6] Smoke
Left - FusioN - [6v6] Cookeh
Joined - FusioN - [6v6] Cookeh

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2 5 524
View Div 2/Div 3 1 187
View Div 2/Div 3 3 359
View Div 2/Div 3 3 254
View Div 2/Div 3 18 1014
View Div 3/Div 4 10 622
View Div 3/Div 4 13 653


  1. Shampoo: FRENCHGOAT - STACK said:

    can roam my ass

  2. Cookeh said:

    Mofo, I had 9.5k and 11k dmg in those two games, and top fragged both games ;)

  3. Cookeh said:

    Or not, Im thinking of a different game xD http://logs.tf/105233 and http://logs.tf/105175.

  4. Genmix: bobs said:

    Good soldier, just needs some guidance and you are set for div2 and beyond!

  5. Shampoo: FRENCHGOAT - STACK said:

    as I said

  6. Entire: EPA - ciortai said:

    An underrated solly who needs a good home to improve. A really good friend as well. Has the dm for div 2 easy just needs some guidance. Good luck ya british bastard >:D

  7. achy said:

    Really nice lad, easily div2 dm. Good luck mate

  8. profix: FLANK said:

    Man, Cookeh is such a chill and nice guy. Always a blast to play with. Puts up ridiculous damage numbers very consistantly and in my opinion very capable of at least high div3.

    Best of luck mate.

  9. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Very good pocket.

    Also im his favorite player.

  10. raiku: STR said:

    Hi, this chocolate chip cookeh is a nice cookeh.

  11. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    was obviously the best player in no more heroes, so there’s that, but also chatted bare mess about me so fuck you div potat

  12. Cookeh said:

    Man, I said I know you can play better than you were. Words of encouragement!

  13. Dendocror: idd. - ~MOE~ said:

    Real nice, modest guy. Always keen to improve, definitely a good pickup for a stable team.
    Good luck mate.

  14. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:

    Joined us to play scout, got mad at it all the time so I put him on soldier, got mad at it all the time so i let him pocket Vode sometimes and he still got mad.

    No hard feelings, he’s a lovely guy, he was just expecting too much from a new team with no synergy and was getting upset about it, nobodies fault really, just the wrong mix of personalities and ideas.

    Has sick DM but needs a good medic to keep him on a leash. Should do well in any div2/3 team :)

  15. Cookeh said:

    I wasnt mad due to the class I was playing, I was mad about the repeated mistakes that surfaced in every single game, and the fact no effort was made to do anything about them – a bit counter-intuitive in a team that was meant to be “keen” :D

    But no, you are correct, I was expecting too much (and I’ve no-one to blame but myself for that) and that lead to poor motivation and attitude, for which I would again like to apologise for.

  16. profix: FLANK said:

    Join the dark side, we have Cookeh(s)! Someone give him a spot already. :)