Stigma Zeta
Posted by Unii: | Last Online:
So after having 2 different engineers that possibly would play the season with us in etf2l and for different reason couldn't do it, Stigma Zeta are yet again searching for a engineer for div 6. We're a pretty determined crew off people working together to get what we want. We have a friendly atmosphere and friendly players that everyone got their own talent on their class.
So now were searching for you, a engineer with atleast 100 hours on their class, more than 1,000 hours on tf2 and that knows how to play comp engineer. Preferably a season behind you and experience goes before others. We also need you to be able to talk good english, and be able to play any day at between 18:00 cest to 20:00 cest. Have good comms and easy to get along with different people.
What we provide:
– Own server
– Mumble server ( atm on etf2l's mumble server)
– Friendly players
– Scrims (2-4 a week)
– Friendly people
– No flamers or ragers.
So if you want to trail for us then feel free to add Bycomp for a chatt and a possible trail in the future.
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