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Spy  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, Highlander

Hungary SLASh

Posted: | Last Online:


Im looking for a UGC&ETF2L team, a top Silver/low Plat; Div3/4 one.
I'd like to be main.

About me:

– Im living at Hungary; Timezone: GMT+1.
– Im usually free at almost everyday from 20:00-22:00 CEST/CET.
– Have mumble/teamspeak.
– Don't have too much experience, under experience i mean seasons.
Was sub spy at Tourettes Chess Club in Season 9 Steel, also was (half)main spy for Holla Holla Get € Season 10 fun season, Silver.
+Mixes, pugs, lobbies, and such.
Have around 510 hours with the class, almost 2000 in the game, overall.

Looking for:

– Stable team, that won't drop in the mid of the season.
– People, that take the game serious, but also can laugh a lot with them.
– Scrim 2-3 times a week + Official.

I'd be happy, if you could trial me.
If you are interested, just contact me.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:83538813 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Hungary [National Highlander Team] Reoccurring
Joined Hungary [National Highlander Team] tuja
Left Hungary [National Highlander Team] PingWIN
Left Midnight Society [Highlander] SLASh
Joined Midnight Society [Highlander] The Ace of Spades
Joined Hungary [National Highlander Team] PingWIN
Left Hungary [National Highlander Team] SLASh
Left cLanda [Highlander] SLASh
Joined Hungary [National Highlander Team] PingWIN
Joined cLanda [Highlander] b0nes
Left Roadside Brewery [Highlander] SLASh
Joined Roadside Brewery [Highlander] AwniaDark
Left BlingBling [Highlander] SLASh
Joined BlingBling [Highlander] Via
Left Team ⑨ [Highlander] SLASh
Joined Team ⑨ [Highlander] SLASh

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High/Mid 1 516
View Mid 7 458
View Mid 40 1251
View Div 3/Div 4 25 883
View Div 3/Div 4 7 461
View Div 3/Div 4 0 263
View Div 5 0 203
View Div 5 2 319
View Div 6 0 306
View Div 6 0 182
View Div 6 0 393
View Div 6 0 223
View Div 6 0 255
View Div 6 0 242
View Div 6 0 203
View Div 6 0 221
View Div 6 0 221


  1. mici said:

    You should probably be looking for a UGC team on their website (I assume they have one?)

  2. mici said:

    good luck nonetheless

  3. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Nobody browses ugc forums. And slash is a pretty decent spy, while we are at it

  4. SLASh said:

    Igen. Ahogy Scissors is mondta, UGC üres! Alig néz fel arra a fórumra valaki, és páran mondták nekem, hogy akkor miért nem másolom be az ottani posztot ide is, így ‘nagyobb az esély’ arra, hogy találom egy csapatot.

  5. Void: ST said:

    definitely 3/4, pick him up fast

  6. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    There is no doubt slash could play div4 back in the day (ye the 90s bro) but I haven’t seen him quite often to tell if he’s actually div3 right now. But he was always keen, and probably can handle it.

  7. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    Good spy, luv him <3

  8. prince of denmark said:

    A highlander halott. Ideje 6v6-ozni.

  9. SLASh said:

    Nem szeretem, de azért kösz.

  10. n1ven: exo. - Fight Club said:

    Great spy! Never played with him, but i was very mad, when i played against him… so many backstabs, and that revolver skills!!! And also, he is Hungarian, so he must be good. Good luck!

  11. SLASh said:

    Nem nagyon igaz, de azért köszönöm. :)

  12. 1pt: CC said:

    div 4 ? nah solid div 3. Pick him up

  13. yak said:

    so annoying to play against :(

  14. SLASh said:


  15. SLASh said:


  16. SLASh said:


  17. ScrollLock said:

    gl he can be div silver or low plat

  18. SLASh said:

    Thank you.

  19. Nikel said:

    good spy, can div 3 easy.

  20. Yggdrasil: Fe | said:

    i’d like to see this one grow well, pick him up & feed him with good matches. One can only wonder what will sprout then.

  21. SLASh said:


  22. SLASh said:

    Bumping, hell yeah.

  23. nevier said:

    nice spy to play with, gets the picks you need. also (from what i’ve seen in mixes) stabs the engi a couple of times (in pl) + saps his stuff what some spies seem to not be able to do.
    but he sucks at medic.

  24. nevier said:

    playing medic i mean. ok? xD

  25. SLASh said:

    Why, i was pretty good compared to a lobby imo, wasn’t i? :D

  26. SLASh said:

    Bump, still searching.

  27. SLASh said:


  28. SMITZ said:


  29. SLASh said:

    Okay, thanks Strelok, i mean SmitZ. :P

  30. Uli said:

    Good spy who always wants to improve
    can handle div3

  31. SLASh said:


  32. SLASh said:

    Still looking for one.

  33. SLASh said:

    Bumping fest 2013.

  34. SLASh said:

    Bah, bump.

  35. N's Szőkee: N`s - -ЯB- said:

    very best spy pick him! No need to bump! Cheers :D