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Sniper  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, Highlander

Norway EssEs

Posted: | Last Online:

I wanna ply sniper in HL in any div, preferably as main, but i can do backup.

I have played in 2 seasons as demo in HL for a div 4 team so i have the experience. I also main demo 6v6.

I can only play HL on fridays and saturdays. And maybe some other days when my 6v6 team is not scrimming

Add me 4 sh!t

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:79485921 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Beefed Shot [6v6] OakenTree
Joined Beefed Shot [6v6] OakenTree
Left Cool Cats: Red Rats [6v6] EssEs
Joined Cool Cats: Red Rats [6v6] Strigon
Left Quality Control. [6v6] EssEs
Left Cookie Monsters [Highlander] Ghaddar
Joined Cookie Monsters [Highlander] Tykos
Left TheBahnhofs [Highlander] EssEs
Joined Quality Control. [6v6] SmAsH
Left A Bauådhe on Flødhe [6v6] EssEs
Joined A Bauådhe on Flødhe [6v6 Fun Team] EssEs
Joined A Bauådhe on Flødhe [6v6] EssEs
Left something to do with somthing [6v6] EssEs
Joined TheBahnhofs [Highlander] EssEs
Left The Bahnhofs [Highlander] Plumber
Joined something to do with somthing [6v6] EssEs
Left Something to do with bears [6v6] EssEs
Joined Something to do with bears [6v6] EssEs
Left Something to do with bears [6v6] EssEs
Joined The Bahnhofs [Highlander] EssEs
Left You Just Got Panned [Highlander] EssEs
Joined You Just Got Panned [Highlander] EssEs
Joined Something to do with bears [6v6] EssEs
Left Rich and Spoiled [6v6] EssEs
Joined Esses [1v1] EssEs
Joined Rich and Spoiled [6v6] EssEs
Left Rich and Spoiled [6v6] Ritzenhoff
Joined Rich and Spoiled [6v6] EssEs
Left 663 Squadron [6v6] EssEs
Joined 663 Squadron [6v6] EssEs

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View Div 4 8 292
View Div 4/Div 5 3 291


  1. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    isn’t highlander played on monday?

  2. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Good Machina bodyshots in pubs and prem jailbreak player =) Also a cool guy, pick him up.

  3. MARS^: (ETF2L Donator) - ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    nice guy, I have no idea about his sniper skills though :)

  4. synKas said:

    Cool guy! :) Good luck!

  5. Freddy said:


  6. Noamigo said:

    Good guy+good sniper+good gamesense+good aim-fake Norway accent=essesse gl anyway

  7. yak said:

    best at taking banter :D