ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

International Poo Tier Gaming eSports

Posted by Risky: | Last Online:

Looking for a backup to play some pcw's a few nights a week. Preferably an allrounder but failing that either someone who mains scout or solly.

Also preferably not ridiculously foreign or socially awkward.

Add Risky on steam for trials.


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  1. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    this team took our best player, now we only have secondbests

  2. Bobo: Poo said:

    I strongly endorse this team.

  3. Vinusan said:

    Im ready as a sub for s16 I nain scout but I am also quite good at soldier. Can offclass to sniper and spy too as I main spy too and am a good sniper. Thank You.

  4. Dephaistos said:

    Hello, i’d love to sub for your team. Im good enough as soldier and scout, and eager to improve on demo, so i feel like i am fit for this position. I have already added risky, but i just felt like leaving a message

  5. Toast said:

    I play soldier, I really want to see what it is like playing in a more competitive environment on TF2 add me on steam iMarkeeeYx

  6. Adam Swann said:

    Me and my friend have steel and silver league experience ( division 4/5 ), looking for a new team, both can play any class, msg me on steam plz, ( ADamnHD )

  7. billeh: exe.tf - [syz] said:

    I’d love to play as scout in your team and I have played is many pugs and lobbies

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