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DemomanSpy  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European rub!X Highlander Team by Lethal-Zone.eu

Posted by Watson M.D.: | Last Online:

The rub!X Highlander Team is on it's way into it's next UGC season and looking for new players. If you want to join this bunch of semi-normal guys and girls playing semi-serious competitive TF2 and:

Speak decent English
Have a microphone
Have first competitive experience
Are at least 16 yo, older highly welcome (team average is about 22)

you can apply by filling out the form below right here in this thread or messaging Maiky3 or me through Steam. Please keep on mind, that we are not only a competitive team but also a bunch of (part real-life, part online) friends playing video games together and jerking around in mumble. So we would like to have our new players to stick around for more than just the scrims and matches and adapt a bit to our little community.

Main Class:
Secondary Classes:
Brief Info About Yourself:

Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5 0 137
View Div 6 8 258


  1. HartzFartz: (ETF2L Donator) - 0fo - 0FO said:

    A bunch of great people. Join them to have a good time.

  2. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Serbian on roster. SERBIA STRONK, STJ TO CARRY!

  3. prof ¬_¬ said:

    if you’re still looking…
    pyro main (makes me sad to say it)
    also up for scout, spy, sniper, anything except demo really…
    played in etf2l seasons 1 & 2, few seasons of UGC. played div4 here and silver (and i think half a season of plat, something like that) in UGC for a couple of different teams. been out of HL for a while but looking to get back into it so dropping down to div 5 or 6 would be fun! available most nights except some fridays and saturdays. etc etc etc

  4. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Nice guys

  5. Cliff: AJ said:

    Hey, here is my presentation :)

    Name: Elias

    Age: 17

    Country: I’m from France, but study in Denmark

    Main Class: Spy

    Secondary Classes: I don’t really have one, though on lobby, after spy of course, my second most played class is med.

    Brief Info About Yourself: I’ve started playing TF2, not too seriously a couple of years ago. Then I made a friend IRL, with which I started to play a lot with. Within 3-4 month, I went from 100 hours to 600, which is mostly dedicated to spy.

    I then got interested in the competitive scene, so I looked it up and joined a lobby. I immediately fell in love with being an HL spy. However, I have heard that lobbies are quite different then the actual HL matches, as there is almost no communication, which is why I am interested in joining a real HL team.

    To this day, I have a couple hundred matches on lobby, so I understand how spy is useful and what my role is.

    My steam profile is: http://steamcommunity.com/id/NoCourtesy/inventory/
    Thanks for reading :)

  6. The Chosen Potato: ePrem said:

    Name: Lauri
    Age: 22
    Country: Estonia
    Main Class: demo/sniper
    Secondary Classes: Soldier
    Brief info about me: I currently play in 6v6 clan as roaming soldier and I am a backup in UGC Silver HL team (as sniper usually). I have played 1 season of ETF2L HL as demoman. I Am looking for people who would just like to have fun, but can take game seriously enough to woop some bottoms. I don’t care if I am main player or backup, just that I would get some time in games.
    And I really like hitting people with my Pan.

  7. Mensen555: Ht said:

    Name: Robbie
    Age: 17
    Country: The Netherlands
    Main Class: Demoman (400+ hours)
    Secondary Classes: Anything really Except Heavy/Engi/Sniper.
    Brief Info About Yourself: I have played Demoman since I got into the competetive scene.
    I have played tons of lobbies and some scrims in previous teams as demoman. I have been looking for a serious team for a long time, that can have some fun as well of course.
    I can play everyday, and I can use Teamspeak/Mumble/Etc.
    Talking about voice comm, I have my own Teamspeak and Tf2 server that can always be used.
    I am really intrested in joining this team because it sounds like a lot of fun :)

    SteamID: http://www.steamcommunity.com/id/sahqo

    I hope I can be of use,

  8. Ryuu Tsubasa said:

    Name: Ryuu
    Age: 17
    Country: Lithuania(speaking english fluently)
    Main Class: Spy(60+)
    Secondary Classes: Scout or sniper(terrible one)
    Brief Info About Yourself: Since i started playing tf2 i came in love with spy! I don’t have a lot of hours but i like it and been practising like hell, i’d realy love to play something serious and learn how to play. Equipment and internet should sufice any needs, I don’t lag a lot, have a good studio quality mic.

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