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Medic  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

France Ombrack

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello people.
As my beloved team is sadly falling apart, I'm now looking for a D3 team, aiming for D2 in a close future.

I've never played higher than D4 officials. But you should know that I've always finished first of my team, by far, and without even getting frags :3
More seriously, I also successfully played against topD3/BottomD2 teams, thanks to my friends the Gunslingers. luv luv luv.

I started playing the game in 2010 I guess, but I've been playing medic for only 7 months now. Hopefully, I'd say I've got a pretty strong gamesense, so it balances my relative lack of experience.
I played one etf2l season as scout, and two as medic. I've also played medic in highlander wireplay, in the first division, and in D2 in etf2l.
And I'll probably be engaged in the next highlander season too.

As far as I know my scouts were always pleased with my heals, but I can improve concerning my demo and roamer's assistance. I may be a bit too risky in my use of ubers too.
In my favour, I guess I'm pretty good at sharing uber, knowing the advantage and overall feeling the gameflow.

I don't know if I can maincall, but I like to. I used to be a lot vocal during game, but since I've been playing with europeans, I've been reducing a lot my calls. I guess I can maincall, or at least assist my maincaller in his decisions.

I'm french, 20 yo, can play from 3 to 6 days a week (I don't say 7 to pretend I've a life) from 20:30 to very late, friendly, lovable.

Feel free to add me on steam if interested ;)

Also do note that I'll be off from 2 to 12 september, and that I'll have mouse issues until I get a new one.

(Opti t'es trop beau Opti)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:54738661 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left France [National Highlander Team] Kaylus
Left France [National 6v6 Team] Opti
Joined top5rocket [6v6] Néo
Left Faint Gaming [6v6] Ombrack
Joined Faint Gaming [6v6] Smirre
Left Flush Agency Headquarters [6v6] Ombrack
Joined Flush Agency Headquarters [6v6] Samski
Left top5rocket [6v6] Ombrack
Left the oppressed [Highlander] RaTSLaYeR
Joined the oppressed [Highlander] yllen
Joined France [National Highlander Team] ElazulTF2
Left France [National Highlander Team] Ganon
Joined France [National 6v6 Team] Medico
Left The Breakfast Club [Highlander] Toba
Joined top5rocket [6v6] Gero
Left PICK UP THE MONEY [6v6] Ombrack
Joined The Breakfast Club [Highlander] Toba
Left Osmoz' [6v6 Fun Team] Ombrack
Joined PICK UP THE MONEY [6v6] Freakie
Left NoChallenge [6v6] Ombrack
Joined NoChallenge [6v6] Etienne
Left LazerSharkCatBear [6v6] Ombrack
Joined France [National Highlander Team] Ombrack
Joined LazerSharkCatBear [6v6] Ombrack
Left Nolife [6v6] Ombrack
Joined Osmoz' [6v6 Fun Team] Ombrack
Left Nolife Highlander Team [Highlander] Ombrack
Joined Nolife [6v6] Ombrack
Joined Nolife Highlander Team [Highlander] Ombrack

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2/Div 3 2 750
View Div 2/Div 3 5 913


  1. weinzey: ---=(° ᴥ °)=))) - TC.Crash said:

    bestest medic:)
    pretty sad that we wont be scrimming together anymore
    can only recommend that guy, heals well and has a good taste in indie games^^
    get him while you can

  2. Q-Ball: ƒusg said:

    One of the best players I’ve met before. Not only is he a good medic, but also a great guy to have a laugh with.
    Best of luck to you Ombrack!

  3. Opti: REMOVE said:

    a big_place, a very nice gg thx for you. You are really yeah man ! :D, [insert coin to be nice]. Na, really great medic, with aerial heal and cool healing tecnic.

  4. Blitzo said:

    Clearly one of the best guy of the french tf2 community, nice medic with good calls/heals. He can play easily at a D3/2 level.
    He’s also one of the worst cs:go player with opti !

    But gg too, ur so thx with your gameplay ! :D

  5. Ununoctium said:

    So did DOTA 2 break up the team? I blame Weinzey

  6. Xabi said:

    Pro medic !

    Good luck :)

  7. weinzey: ---=(° ᴥ °)=))) - TC.Crash said:

    dont blame me and dota
    if anything its cs go, dilem loves that^^

  8. mnemo: UNHINGED said:

    Great medic, fast learner, and a really nice guy :)

    Enjoyed being his pocket and would recommend someone to take good care of him. He’ll save your ass more than once.

    Best of luck to you Ombrack.