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Scout  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Norway blooztah

Posted: | Last Online:

Since my last team has folded I have decided that I should try to join a division 5 team as a main scout. I am not interested in joining either as a sub or joining a newly created team.

A little about me:

-Division 6 experience from last 6v6s season, some mixes and lobbies aswell if that does count.
-Very good english, norwegian and a little bit spanish aswell
-Active almost every day
-I am quite reliable, usually I give messages if I should not be able to play or whatever
-I am very open for criticism and improvement. I want to become better!
-Nice guy with some strange humor aswell
-Well functionting microphone and a stable pc/internet connection

What I want from you:

-Scrim 2-3 times a week. (Preferably 19:00CEST to 21:00CEST, mostly any day, tho' I prefer playing on weekdays)
-A relaxed and friendly atmosphere which sometimes can heat up.
-An organized team and schedule
-Serious teamates who are willing to improve

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:54645910 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Norway [National Highlander Team] Refleks
Left Norway [National Highlander Team] Vetleaks
Joined Norway [National Highlander Team] Yxxo
Left Norway [National Highlander Team] Vetleaks
Left Bad Lads [Highlander] blooztah
Joined Bad Lads [Highlander] Crypto
Left Big Baguettes powered by cobz.tf [6v6] blooztah
Left Droppa eSports [6v6 Fun Team] blooztah
Left Strong Opinions [Highlander] blooztah
Joined Droppa eSports [6v6 Fun Team] b_fisch
Left One night club [6v6 Fun Team] blooztah
Joined Strong Opinions [Highlander] ElazulTF2
Joined One night club [6v6 Fun Team] Nik
Left The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] blooztah
Joined Big Baguettes powered by cobz.tf [6v6] Graba
Left The DugongSuperSquad [6v6 Fun Team] blooztah
Joined The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] kKaltUu
Left Voodooh [Highlander] blooztah
Joined Voodooh [Highlander] Snooki
Left ResidentSleeper [Highlander] blooztah
Joined ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Fuxx
Left Voodooh [Highlander] blooztah
Joined The DugongSuperSquad [6v6 Fun Team] blooztah
Joined Voodooh [Highlander] Snooki
Left The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] blooztah
Left Rice Powered by Rice hats [6v6] aSpire
Joined Norway [National Highlander Team] fanny_filth
Joined Rice Powered by Rice hats [6v6] GBD
Left Dank Dugongs [6v6] Spade
Joined Dank Dugongs [6v6] Spade
Left No more tf2 [6v6] blooztah
Joined No more tf2 [6v6] blooztah
Left Fuck Me Tenderly [6v6] blooztah
Joined The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] blooztah
Left The Joke's On Us [Highlander] blooztah
Joined Fuck Me Tenderly [6v6] blooztah
Left Pineapple Train [6v6] blooztah
Joined Pineapple Train [6v6] blooztah
Left Fuck Me Tenderly [6v6] blooztah
Joined Fuck Me Tenderly [6v6] blooztah
Joined The Joke's On Us [Highlander] blooztah
Left The Joke's On us [Highlander] blooztah
Joined The Joke's On us [Highlander] blooztah

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  1. add said:

    I pubbed with you years ago, maybe you still remember me from the LifeTimeClan egypt server, gl dude :)

  2. Blooztah said:

    Heh, if you are Admirael, I do!

  3. Pistolvania said:

    Div 4/3 scout dm, excellent sniper, fun to play with. Pick him up!

  4. MARS^: (ETF2L Donator) - ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    keen as fuck, can definitely handle div 5

  5. Blooztah said:

    bump, still looking for a team!