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SniperSpy  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, Highlander

Lithuania aZiO

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, I'm looking for team to play as spy, but I cam play sniper prety well too. I currently have 870 hours as spy. I try to play alot of mixes and lobbies and pubs too.I've played in a summer season team in 2012, and now I am capable to play in div 4-5.now. I'm 16 years old and my english is good enough :). Perfect time for me to play is from 18 to 20 CEST.Add me if you are interested to test my skils :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:82726094 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Lithuania [National Highlander Team] Spreijer
Left Suicidal Design [Highlander] aZiO
Joined Suicidal Design [Highlander] ReseF
Left ScrubsUnitedOnceAgain [6v6] aZiO
Joined ScrubsUnitedOnceAgain [6v6] Gabi
Left Lithuania [National Highlander Team] aZiO
Left Bachuru servo ereliai [Highlander] aZiO
Joined Bachuru servo ereliai [Highlander] Teddy <3
Joined Lithuania [National Highlander Team] Spreijer
Left YELLOW [6v6] aZiO
Joined YELLOW [6v6] Teddy <3
Left Bachuru servo ereliai [Highlander] Teddy <3
Joined Bachuru servo ereliai [Highlander] Teddy <3
Left Bachuru servo ereliai [Highlander] Teddy <3
Joined Bachuru servo ereliai [Highlander] Teddy <3
Left 4ever [Highlander] aZiO
Joined 4ever [Highlander] Makaron
Left Bachuru servo ereliai [Highlander] aZiO
Joined Bachuru servo ereliai [Highlander] Teddy <3
Left seriousname [Highlander] aZiO
Joined seriousname [Highlander] boxxy
Left addict! eSports // Yellow [6v6] aZiO
Joined addict! eSports // Yellow [6v6] aZiO

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  1. Dark Angel: DDEEP said:

    d4 ez, pretty smart spy.

  2. baccart: IsF:LT said:

    Good player, pick him fast

  3. Anzu: :Blinky: said:

    amazing spy, i’ve seen him on pubs he is just godlike. pick him up :)

  4. boxxy said:


  5. Fra.ger: Skrbs said:

    nice spy , can do job in d4 eazy :”)

  6. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Good spy, beast aim, div4 should be perfect

  7. Quell: UbeR | said:

    yep alrght guy:) should do well in 4/5

  8. TruVa said:

    nice spy , easy play 4/5