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Engineer  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Python

Posted: | Last Online:

Hiya, i play engineer for a UGC plat team called Gangsta Gang, currently looking to crash with some lads going div 3/4 next ETF2L season.

Add me for a trial

EDIT: Throw me some Constructive criticism if you feel i'm not ready for these divs, thanks!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:100293604 Add Friend

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Left i main engineer nice [1v1] Python
Left is house esports [6v6] gouldie
Joined Momentum eSports [Highlander] Dandere
Left we have a team? [Highlander] Python
Joined is house esports [6v6] yak
Left NICE JEWISH GUYS [6v6] Python
Joined NICE JEWISH GUYS [6v6] Haydn
Left Nice Jewish Guys [6v6] Python
Joined Bill Nye's Science Squad [6v6 Fun Team] Python
Joined i main engineer nice [1v1] Python
Joined Nice Jewish Guys [6v6] Droodl3
Left #freetetrix [6v6 Fun Team] Python
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Joined we have a team? [Highlander] Avv
Left Mr. Wong's Fair Spirits [Highlander] Python
Left Onee-Chan sponsored by Kawaii E-Sports [6v6] Menty
Joined Mr. Wong's Fair Spirits [Highlander] Candle
Left we have a team? [Highlander] Python
Joined we have a team? [Highlander] Avv
Left Nine Horsemen of the Apocalypse [Highlander] Python
Joined Onee-Chan sponsored by Kawaii E-Sports [6v6] Python
Left Epsilon eSports [6v6] Python
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Joined Badland Blitzers [Highlander] Python

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem 6 327
View Div 6 2 184
View Div 1/Div 2 34 1179
View Div 2/Div 3 17 632
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View Div 6 0 163
View Div 2/Div 3 6 256
View Div 3/Div 4 20 756
View Div 6 2 219


  1. MS: 0fo - 0FO said:

    is good engi

  2. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    Is gud engy and a huge fag but I still love him

  3. ThaZimmer said:

    Really good engi. Much better than div 4!

  4. Flood said:

    Sick guy, sick sentries. Would recommend

  5. Enders Flame said:

    Good Engie, with the potential to get better I think with more experience. Overextends too much for my liking, but everyone does that these days :P. Strong div3+, gl.

  6. Python said:

    Bump please

  7. Tetrix: catgirl.tf said:


  8. SmitZ said:

    For once someone isn’t massively overestimating their potential and posting “div2+”. Good to see.

    Also Python’s not completely shit at the game, so I guess he’s a good Engineer. It’s a shame he sounds like he’s got a mouth full of wotsits all the time though.

  9. Python said:

    Bump :)

  10. Python said:


  11. Nafve: Pyroishard - `(OvO)´ said:

    Good, can do higher than div4 easily.

  12. Python said:


  13. Deox: myx - wL. said:

    Really good engie, who is very dedicated. Div 4 would be shambles for him, can play in div 3 very well.

  14. pajer0 said:

    really good engie

  15. vani: F! said:

    http://logs.tf/64012 solid low div 5 hf in search ;^)

  16. Python said:

    thx :)

  17. Python said:

    lobby stats op :^)

  18. Python said:

    Bump, thanks

  19. Aylonwee said:

    mad props to this man. has played very well in UGC, introducing interesting strats and demonstrating very good gamesense and dm. would and has done well at a div 3 level.

  20. Uli said:

    Great engi :) would do well in div 3.. div 4 would be a waste :3

  21. Python said:

    Bump, :)

  22. Avv said:

    dayum good engie. played with him a lot, would bang repetitively, can hold his own in div3 with minimal effort.

  23. Wolves with Flowers said:

    Python is the <3

    Would do well in div3 !



  24. Python said:


  25. TheJayBelmont said:

    Div 4’s a waste of talent for Python. He has great gamesense and some amazing DM to boot. Always creative as well.

    Pick him up.

  26. Python said:


  27. Python said:


  28. vani: F! said:


  29. Python said:

    Python: /HotA said:
    July 23rd, 2013 at 00:09

    lobby stats op :^)

  30. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    yeah, lobby stats are useless


  31. Python said:


  32. Candle said:


  33. Lantak said:

    Div3+ without problem.
    He overextends a bit too much in some maps, like said Enders, but he is totally reliable for any situation.

  34. spherefs said:

    nice guy :)

  35. Python said:

    b-b-bump, still haven’t found a team

  36. Python said:

    420 bump it