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Spy  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Frowny

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, I’m frowny.
I am currently looking for a div2/3
team (most likely div3, but div2 would
be OK i guess) that wants to take the
matches seriously, but also have a
laugh along the way. I’m an easy-
going guy that (hopefully) doesn’t
come off as arrogant and bigoted. I
currently have ~400 hours of spy, 4
seasons of UGC under my belt 3 in
mid-high steel (1 as main caller), one
in mid-high silver and a number of
pugs on Quakenet. I’m keen to
improve an enjoy working in a team.
My main launguage is English, but I
am also fluent in Russian. I can play
any day of the week between ~7:30
and 10:00pm GMT.
Cheers, frowny.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:37649096 Add Friend

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Action Team By Date
Joined True Love Gang [6v6] kaaos
Left das beer boot inc esports gaming [6v6] Frowny
Joined i discovered madvillain 5 minutes ago [Highlander] psy
Left 6v6 is better [Highlander] Frowny
Joined 6v6 is better [Highlander] Cuttlefish
Left OverPowered [Highlander] Frowny
Joined OverPowered [Highlander] Frowny
Joined das beer boot inc esports gaming [6v6] Frowny

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