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MedicSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Austria vUUZ

Posted: | Last Online:


joshi (https://etf2l.org/forum/user/68641/) and myself are looking for a 6s team as soldier and medic.
we are 16 and 18 years old and from austria.

what we can offer:
-experience (pugs, mixes,s15 exp)
-willing to improve
-fluent english and german

what we are looking for:
-active team
-regular training sessions

add joshi here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071145363/
add vuuz here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030685904/

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:70420176 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left The Elemelons [6v6] Samski
Joined The Elemelons [6v6] Samski
Left TURNUP [6v6] vUUZ
Left Pulp-Fiction Highlander [Highlander] vUUZ
Left Rowdyruff Boys [6v6 Fun Team] vUUZ
Joined TURNUP [6v6] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left TEZC | Nuggets [6v6] vUUZ
Joined TEZC | Nuggets [6v6] vUUZ
Left Stinson`s Funky Town Monkey Pimps [6v6] vUUZ
Joined Stinson`s Funky Town Monkey Pimps [6v6] Mr. Guy
Joined Pulp-Fiction Highlander [Highlander] Freakythomsn
Left Peep Peep Motherfuckers [6v6] vUUZ
Joined Rowdyruff Boys [6v6 Fun Team] Joshi
Left Hirschbraten Hood Homies [6v6 Fun Team] vUUZ
Joined Peep Peep Motherfuckers [6v6] PeterPan
Left sit down trader [6v6] vUUZ
Joined sit down trader [6v6] svins
Left rub!X Highlander Team by Lethal-Zone.eu [Highlander] vUUZ
Left Rowdyruff Boys [6v6] vUUZ
Joined Rowdyruff Boys [6v6] .Constantine
Left Pandemonium [6v6] vUUZ
Joined Hirschbraten Hood Homies [6v6 Fun Team] Joshi
Joined rub!X Highlander Team by Lethal-Zone.eu [Highlander] Maiky3
Joined Paypal Edelmänner [2v2] vUUZ
Joined Pandemonium [6v6] vUUZ
Left encore [6v6] vUUZ
Left Pandamonium [Highlander] vUUZ
Joined encore [6v6] vUUZ
Left Pandamonium [6v6] vUUZ
Joined Pandamonium [6v6] vUUZ
Joined Pandamonium [Highlander] vUUZ

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  1. ryse: encore said:

    nerdy austrian brother combo <3

    They will do fine in any mid d5 team!

  2. Vuzbro said:


  3. vUUZ said:

    found new team