ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Sweden Saints

Posted by ondkaja: | Last Online:

We are looking for a pocket who can play at a high div 2 level. We are primarily looking for Swedish-speaking players but we'll trial internationally as well so don't hesitate to contact Ond kaja if you are interested. We play Sunday-Thursday 20:00-22:30 CEST.

Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem/Div 1 22 2292
View Prem/Div 1 12 1506
View Div 1 10 1259
View Div 1 18 2043
View Div 1 3 979
View Div 1 1 511
View Div 1 23 2625
View Div 2 10 1231
View Div 2 2 622
View Div 2 16 1276
View Div 2/Div 3 17 1193


  1. Dennia: FAINT said:

    im de bes

  2. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:


  3. vani: F! said:


  4. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Today i did me learn some suede

    If you are interested, contact Evil jackdaw.

    Ond kaja is a nasty bird…sounds like my missus tbh.

  5. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Oh yeah, good luck guys. They are nice and nice and skilled and nice and good and that.

  6. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    btw, does this mean the bird is named after the sound of it’s call?


    kai-JARRRR kai-JARRRR?

  7. Godof said:

    understood that without google translate #swag

  8. Kurates: prly - [hePPa] said:

    jättesexig lag men ond kaja visar ut som en helikopter när han flygar i scandinavium där i göteborg när han njutit mycket öl och slår den där wasd knabber och slutar plötslig och det är omöjligt att clicka på hans mamma som naggar varje dag på honom

  9. vani: F! said:

    Smirre är “hård” men “rättvis”

  10. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    swedish 2ez… understood nearly everything without translator or those shit

    gl boyz

  11. m1k said:


  12. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Need more pocket trials! Contact me

  13. BaR: REVERTO said:

    kaften kaja

  14. Caeli: #T4F said:

    gut team

  15. Lacke said:


  16. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Bad translation is bad, thought I already told you that Ond Kaja should be ‘evil jackdaw’. Baddies.

    Good at tf2.

  17. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:


  18. Hank: FAINT said:

    gay team, me and dennia have to carry rest of the team all the time

  19. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Not looking for a medic anymore, only trialling pockets from now on. Contact me if you are interested!

  20. Maffi: REVERTO said:

    so shit they can suck my nuts

  21. Hank: FAINT said:


  22. iZon: LEGO - LEGO said:

    Horor såra mina känslor. </3 Jk bestest buddies ive had

  23. Hank: FAINT said:


  24. Zylaen: FaZe said:

    good gamers

  25. Caeli: #T4F said:

    really nice guys!

  26. korken said:

    i am low div 3 SO BUMB FOR EPIC PEOPLE

  27. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    Incredibly annoying traders.

    korken, go trade in mge plasa arena div.

  28. Swi: duplo said:
